Chapter 5

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Bryson Pov

"Why the hell weren't you answering my calls last night Bry?" Amber folded her arms as I walked into her house.

"I was busy" I shrugged and walked over to hug her but she pushed me away instead.

"Busy doing what?"

"I had to watch Eric and Kayla kids last night plus Harley so I was busy" I partly told the truth.

"Ok but she could've atleast texted me. I was worried about you. And you missed our dinner date" she complained. I sighed and threw my head back.

"Listen bae I'm sorry. I'll make it back up to you later. Where is Alexis?" I asked referring to her daughter.

"She is in her room" she said as she walked in the kitchen. I followed her and grabbed her by her waist.

"Are you still mad?" I asked as I pecked her lips.

"No" she laughed and tried to push me away

"Good" i smacked her butt and kissed her lips one more time before pulling away. "Imma go change my shirt real quick then imma take y'all out" I jogged upstairs and she nodded her head. As I was walking down the hall i saw Alexis sitting on her bed.

"Wassup Alexis" I said

"Hey Mr. Bryson" Alexis smiled. It was clear that she was missing 2 teeth.

"What I tell you about that. Call me Bryson" I chuckled and held my fist out. She fist bumped me and nodded her head.

"Ok Bryson. What you and my mommy about to do?" She asked as she struggled to put on her left shoe. Then she looked up at me.

"Imma take y'all out to get something to eat"

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"Imma take y'all out to get something to eat"

"Yall? I can go this time?" She asked with a big smile on her face

"Yea. Imma go pick up Harley too so you'll have someone to talk to"


I chuckled and made my way towards Amber room so I could grab one of my shirts out of her draw.

I pulled my shirt off and looked in her draw for a white T-shirt.

"Bry- what the hell happened to your back?" Amber walked in the room and gasped

"What you mean?" I frowned as I tried to look at my back.

"It's a bunch of scratch marks. Like a tiger attacked you or something" she gently touched it.


"I dont know where those came from" I lied and continued to look for a shirt.

"Bryson who scratched you?" She crossed her arms. "And don't lie"

"I'm not lying. On me I don't know where those came from. Do you think Im cheating on you our something? You don't trust me?" I turned around and tried to flip the script.

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