Chapter 11

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Laylah Pov

"Oh shit!" I jumped up and hopped out of the bed.

"What's wrong?" Bryson eyes slowly opened as he stretched.

"I have a plane to catch in a few hours. I gotta go" I got out of the bed and to picked up my clothes.

"Damn already? What time is it?" He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Where is my phone?" I searched around the room.

"You took it in the bathroom with you last night I think"

I nodded my head and ran towards the bathroom. As soon as I walked in I saw it onto of the sink. I turned it on to see 15 missed calls from Kayla and 9 missed calls from Tory and 14 texts from Kc.

"Fuck" I saw that it was 12:45 and I have to be on that plane by 2:30. I sighed and started putting on my clothes. I heard a knock on the bathroom door and then Bryson opened it as he stood in the doorway staring at me.

"What?" I frowned as I put on my bra.

"What time is your flight?" He rubbed his face and sighed


"You gotta leave now?" A look of sadness flashed across his face. I had fun last night but that doesn't change the fact that he is in a relationship and that I have a life to live in Atlanta. As much as I want to stay and lay up on him all day I just can't.

"Yea sorry" I slid on my thong and then grabbed my dress.

"Imma come see you" he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.

I covered my mouth "I have morning breath so back up"

"I don't care. I smelled it before" he grabbed me by my waist and kissed me slowly like he was dreading to let me go.

"Bry" I tried to back up but his grip tightened. "You can't come see me"

"Yes I can. I'll be there probably next weekend so don't make any plans" after he said that he walked away leaving me in the bathroom.

"Damnitt" I mumbled as I put on my dress. "Can you drop me off at my hotel?"

"Yea lemme put on a shirt" I nodded my head then I went through my text messages and texted everybody to let them know I was fine.

A few seconds later Bryson came back with his keys in his hand and a Nike hat that he always wear.

"You ready?" He yawned

"Yea" I nodded my head and walked towards the front door. Bryson slowly walked behind me as he rubbed his hand over his face.

"You tired?" I chuckled

"Yes bruh" his raspy voice was doing something to me. I love a guys raspy voice.

"I'm sorry. I should've told you I had a flight to catch yesterday"

"Its cool" Bryson grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. Then he closed the front door then locked it.

"Uhh" I put my hand down and looked at him. "Don't do that in public" I walked towards the car and he smacked his teeth.

"You know you like it when I hold your hand" he opened my door and then closed it when I sat down. Then he got in the car.

"Yea but I don't want it too look like were dating"

"Why?" He frowned

"Do you forget that you're in a relationship?" I laughed

"Oh shit" he chuckled

"That's sad" I shook my head

"I know. I'm really trying with her"

"No you're not because if you were you wouldn't be with me" I pointed out then leaned back in my seat.

"You have a point. But everybody knows how I am with you" I blushed and cracked a smile. "I'm not saying this is right but Shii its kinda too late now. We done had sex more than 5 times and I ate you out so Shii we might as well enjoy this while it lasts" Bryson shrugged then crunk up the car.

Bryson had a point but I felt bad for Amber. I slept with that woman's boyfriend. I try to forget it but she keeps popping up in my mind. I don't see how Bryson is so nonchalant about this situation but since he doesn't care I shouldn't either.

"Are you going to tell her?" I glanced at him then back at the window.

"No. I think its best if I just act like nothing happened" I was kinda disappointed because I wanted him to be with me but I had to understand that even if they did break up I would still be thousands of miles away from him. And I don't plan on moving back here to Louisville. I don't want him to throw away his relationship for me.

I know how Bryson is. Since I've let him back in he is not going to give up. He is going to continue to come on to me.

"So you're going to act like everything is normal? Like you still hate me?" I asked

"Thats what you want right? You want me to just put on this front like all this shit we been doing doesn't mean anything. You want me to stay with Amber and be happy with her and watch you be happy with some other nigga. If that's what you want then I'll do it" Bryson gripped the wheel as he drove down the road.

I sighed and put my head down.

"That's not what I want" I mumbled

"Then what do you want?" He gripped my thigh then glanced at me.

"I don't know" Bryson sighed

"Its ok. I still love you" I cracked a smile and looked at him

"I love you too Bry" I kissed his cheek.

"I know. Everybody loves me" he smiled

"Boy" I chuckled "don't get cocky"

"What was that? You said you want some cock? Well Shii say less" Bryson started to get in the turning lane so he could pull over. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth.

"I did not say that" I laughed "keep driving nigga"

"Oh ok. But you know all you gotta do is ask and I'll give it to you" he smirked and gripped my thigh tighter then he moved his hand further up my leg.

"I'll keep that in mind" I laughed and moved his hand.

This boy is something else I swear.



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