Chapter 7

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Bryson Pov

"Jesus Christ Amber" I sighed and rubbed my face. She had been nagging me about the Laylah situation ever since we got home. She was really starting to annoy me.

"Don't do that" she said

"Why are you still taking about it? The girl already told you that we weren't together last night damn. You need to go take a nap or something" I shooed her away and pulled out my phone

"You ain't boutta talk to me like that in my own house" she got all up in my face.

"Ight then I'll leave" I shrugged

"Go ahead nigga. I dont care. You're a cheating ass nigga!" I shook my head as I stood up and walked towards the door. Amber stood off to the side with her arms folded while her nose flared up and down.

"Harley! Come on its time to go!" I called out then I  opened the door and she ran over to me and grabbed my arms.

"Nooo don't leave" she begged as she pulled me into a hug

"Nah bruh" I tried to push her off me but she started kissing me all over my face.

"I'm sorry bae" she whined

"Nah cause you always do this. I told you the truth and you still fussing and shit. That shit is annoying yo" I closed the door and crossed my arms

"I know im sorry. I just get jealous you know thats just how I am. It won't happen again bae" she pecked my lips and dragged me towards the sofa.

"You call me?" Harley came down the stairs

"Nevermind baby girl. Go back upstairs"

"Ok" she ran back upstairs then I looked at Amber.

"Don't leave" she pouted as she rubbed my arm

"Ight" I sighed Then sat back on the sofa "I gotta leave later though"

"Why?" She sat on my lap and played with my beard.

"I gotta take Harley to dance practice by 4 and me and the guys gone chill at Swan house"

"You would rather chill with the guys than be with me?" She frowned


"Baby I been with you all day"

"Are you sure you wanna leave? Me and you can stay here and chill" she smirked and stuck her hand in my pants. "And do grown up stuff"

"I really want to but" I pulled her hands out of my pants and sighed "You have Alexis with you and I don't feel comfortable doing that while she is here" I said truthfully.

"Oh yea you're right" she sighed and got off my lap.

"Don't worry though tomorrow is going to be our day. Just the two of us" I grabbed her hand and kissed it

"You promise" she asked

"I promise" I kissed her cheek.

About a hour later I had left. Amber was starting to annoy me so I lied and said that I had to go check up on my grandma. I would've said it was time to drop Harley off but it was only 2:50.

I like Amber, I really do. Its just that I get tired of her fast. One minute I'm all over her then the next minute I don't even want her touching me.

"Daddy" Harley called out

"Yes?" I answered as I drove towards my house

"What was wrong with Amber? She was yelling at Laylah"

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