Chapter 29

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Laylah pov

"Alright girl we'll be back tomorrow morning" my sister and dad hugged me before walking out the door.

"Yall drive safe" i called out before closing my front door.

"They gone?" Denzel asked as he peeked from around the corner.

"Uh yea. Why are you hiding behind the wall" i laughed.

"Cuz when y'all was saying bye n shii i got a boner"

"Nigga what?" I frowned "how did you get a boner?"

"Because the way you was licking yo lips turned me on girl" he walked towards me and pulled me into him.

"You have issues" i laughed "im bouta get in the shower. You coming?" I raised a brow with a slick smirk on my face.

"Shiiiiii fasho" he picked me up and i wrapped my legs around him.

"Slow down bro!" I screamed. He was literally running to the bathroom right now.

"I got chu baby girl" he smiled

He sat me down on the toilet as he ran the water and quickly took off all his clothes. I did the same and stepped into the shower. As soon as he stepped in he roughly grabbed my waist and pushed me into the wall.

He slammed his face into mine and hungrily kissed me.

"Ahh" i moaned as he put his fingers inside me. He has this look on his face and it did something to me everytime.

"eeeeeeee" i moaned

"So you Jacquees now?" He held in his laughter. I rolled my eyes. He had just killed ny entire vibe but i couldn't help but laugh too.

"Come here" he kissed me again and took his fingers out of me and sucked on them then put his fingers in my mouth and I sucked them just like he did. Slow and sloppy. Some people may say thats nasty but I like freaky shii like that.

"Stop teasing me" I whined "i need you now"

He smirked and picked me up off my feet. As the hot water splashed on us i was getting more turned on.

He slammed into me making me scream out in pleasure and pain.

"Fuck" he grunted as he bit down on my neck. I see he wanted it rough tonight.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as i bit my lips to hold in my moans. I knew Ms. Mayweather didnt want to hear this. Well maybe she did.

He started of slow and rough but then he went faster and faster causing my back to rub against the shower wall. It sent chills down my spine.

"Mmmm" i bit my lips harder as I dug nails into his back

"Let that shit out princess" he kissed me then put his head in the crease of my neck and sucked it. "I wanna hear you scream" he said lowly but deep. And thats when the water falls happened.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed and grinded against him.

"damn you so wet" he grunted "what's my name"

"Daddy" I screamed. He licked my neck then kissed me again.

I closed my eyes and looked up as the water hit my body. Our hot sweaty bodies against each other felt so right.

"Nah baby look at me. Look at me while i fuck the shit outta you princess" his grip tightened as he pounded in and out of me

"Yes daddy" I moaned as I made eyes contact with him. He bit his lip as he starred in my eyes.

"I fuckin love you lay"

"I love you t- ahhhhh" i screamed. He was hitting my spot over and over again and it felt like heaven.

This went on for about 10 more minutes before i was tired. I swear he can last forever and sometimes its exhausting but i love it at the same time.


"So" i mumbled as I rubbed up and down his chest. It was pitch black in my room and Denzel decided to spend the night again.

"Yea babe?" His voice was raspy so I knew i had just woken him up.

"Oh you can go back to sleep"

"Nah im up now. What's wrong"

"nothing. I couldn't sleep" i mumbled as i stared into the darkness.

"I'll stay up with you then" he kissed my hand then ny forehead. "You got that good good. put a Nigga to sleep"

I'm glad the lights were off so he couldn't see me blushing

"Shut up Nigga. You put it down tho" I slid my hands in his boxers then bit my lip.

"Dont start nunin you can't finish lay. And i know i put I down. Had yo ass like daddddyyy" he mocked me.

"Shut upppp" i laughed. I hadn't took my hands out his boxers yet. It was comforting for some strange reason but obviously he didnt mind.

"So what were you and my dad talking about?"

"Just stuff. He pretty chill. I think he likes me" he said tiredly.

"He does. Did he give you that if you break my daughters heart i will kill you speech?"

"You already know he did" he chuckled

"I'm sorry ab-"

"Its cool babygirl"

"I was thinking of baby names"

"Oh Yea?"

"Yep" i yawned "Imma name her Tory Renee Waters"

"I like that baby. Your naming her after Tory. That's sweet"

"Yea. I wanted to give her your last name but then i was like thats kinda over doing it because i knew you wouldn't go for it plus i di-"

"You would give her my last name?" I closed my eyes and sighed. It sounded better in my head.

"It sounds stupid i know. I'm rushing thi-" i started to ramble

"Lay I would be happy to. I already think of her as my own"

My heart melted. A part of me thought this was kind of a big step but i felt like me and Denzel were going to last.

"You for real? I mean its ok if you dont want her to have your last name. I know she not your child so you're not obligated to take care of her. I dont want to put any pressure on yo-"

"Lay go to sleep" he laughed and kissed my cheek.

I smiled and closed my eyes.

"And I suggest you take your hands out my boxers unless you want a round 5"

I ignored him and gently squeezed it.

"Lay" he said in a warning tone

I smirked and started stroking him slowly. He threw his head back and rubbed my thighs.

"Fuck it" he hovered over me and slid my pajama shorts off. Then slowly entered me.

Here we go again


There is going to be a time skip next chapter. im almost finished

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