Chapter 22

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Excuse any mistakes

5 months later

Laylah Pov

"How are you feeling bae?" Denzel asked me. I glared at him in anger.

"I'm in fuckin pain. That's how I feel. This baby is kicking the shit out of me" I hissed as I rubbed my stomach.

"Aw I'm sorry. What can i do to help you out?"

"WhAt CaN I dO To hElp yOu oUt" I mocked him. "Nothing my nigga. You can't do nothing" I mushed him

"Bae" he laughed and tried to grab my hand.

"Nah nigga get off of me. You pissing me off. Im in pain and you laughing. This shit is not fuckin funny" my voice cracked and my eyes started to water.

"You always do this" i cried "this is not funny Denzel. My stomach hurts so bad" i broke down crying causing denzels face to soften.

"I'm sorry princess. I really am. I wish I could help you" he rubbed my belly then kissed it.

"Listen baby boy daddy needs you to stop kicking mommy. You're making mommy cry" he spoke to my stomach. It was a nice gesture but i knew that wasn't going to work.

One thing that i loved about Denzel was that he is playing the daddy roll since Bryson is telling everybody that this baby is not his. Its pretty sad too because he is missing out on all the good moments but i guess he is too busy with his 2nd baby mama. yes I said second. Apparently Amber was pregnant before me. And yes it is Bryson's. I didn't think they would last that long but congratulations to them.

They're all on Twitter taking pictures talking about how they cant wait to be a family. It kind of hurt me at first because he won't even claim our child. That's why I'm greatful for Denzel.

After the accident he helped me out so much. When they pronounced Tory dead I was heartbroken. He was like a brother to me. I kinda feel like someone did it to him on purpose but maybe I'm wrong.

I really needed someone to lean on and Denzel was there all of the way.

I think i love him. But i haven't told him yet. Im just glad that I got over Bryson. I thought getting over him was going to be impossible. Its really sad because Tory was going to be my child's uncle. He was so excited. Plus he died at a very young age. He was about to be a famous model and it really hurt me.

"You're thinking about it again?" Denzel laid beside me and squeezed my hand.

"Yes" i mumbled. Even though the accident happened months ago it was still taking a toll on me. I missed Tory so much.

"Princess you're gonna be fine. Just focus on our child and you're health" he kissed my cheek

"Im trying"

"Have you talked to your dad lately?" Denzel asked

"Yea we was on the phone last night. Why?"

"I was just asking. I want you to keep I touch with them. You know how important family is to me"

"Yea i know" i grabbed my phone and logged onto Instagram.

"You're so beautiful" Denzel mumbled and pecked my lips causing me to blush.

"Thank you" I smiled

"I hope its a boy" he rubbed my stomach

"I want a girl"

"That would be cool too. A lil laylah running around the house" I chuckled

"Yea well I have 3 more months left sir"

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