Chapter 4

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Laylah Pov

"Laylah" I heard a voice say

"Huh" I mumbled with my eyes still closed

"Get up you gotta put your clothes back on before they get back"

I opened my eyes and saw Bryson standing infront of me putting his shirt on. I was laying on the sofa fully naked.

"Ok" I mumbled and rubbed my eyes as I sat up. "Pass me my shirt" Bryson turned around and picked up my shirt that was all the way across the room.

"Here" I grabbed my shirt and quickly slid it on then my thong that was hanging on the lamp. I don't know how the hell my thong got on the lamp.

"Bryson don't mention this to anybody. For real" I said seriously

"Don't worry I'm not gonna let your precious secret out that you sleep with a nigga who has a girlfriend" he chuckled

"That sex didn't mean anything ok. We just fucked" I was trying really hard to convince myself that we just fucked but I felt like it was more than that even though I didn't want it to be.

"Wow that was pretty obvious" he said smartly.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes and slid my pants on.

"You still got it" he smirked

"Of course" I said in a duh tone "too bad that was our last time. I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted"

"Oh.." He chuckled and shook his head "That definitely wasn't that last time"

"And how are you so sure?"

"I just know" he shrugged and walked into the kitchen.

"Cocky much" I mumbled


"Bryson" my eyes widened and I grabbed my stomach.

"Huh?" He stuck his head out the kitchen "why you looking like that?" He chuckled

"Did you pull out because we sholl didn't use a condom"

"... yea.. kinda" he said unsurely

"What do you mean kinda? How do you kinda pull out?" I frowned

"I pulled out kinda late but I did pull out though"

"Ugh" I groaned and rubbed my temple.

"But don't worry I doubt it if you get pregnant"

"Ok but you don't know that 100%. Omg Bryson" I whined "I knew we shouldn't of did this"

"Laylah chill. And you know you wanted to. Plus you seemed sexually frustrated so I helped you out" I rolled my eyes

"I was not sexually frustrated" i crossed my arms

"Yes you were"

"No I wasn't" I protested

"Ok whatever" he shrugged and went back in the kitchen. I sighed and shook my head. He wasn't taking this serious. I could be pregnant and we aren't even together and plus he has a girlfriend. Like thats not a good look.

Even though I still want a baby now is not the right time being as though we aren't on the best terms right now.

But maybe Bryson was right. Maybe I am thinking too hard about this but I can't help it. I sat there biting my bottom lip as I thought about what could possibly happen. I feel so guilty and i promised myself that I would never do this but here I am. I just had sex with a taken man. I feel like a whore right now.

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