Chapter 21

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Jayson Pov

"What do you want me to do again?" I asked for the 4th time

"Oh my gosh Jayson you pissing me off. I just explained this to you" Dana groaned

"I know but this is a crazy ass plan. I could loose alot if i do this"

"And you could loose your life if you dont do this" she threatened

I frowned. She was supposed to be my best friend now she is threating to kill me. This bitch crazy.

"The fuck kinda drug is you on Dana?"

"Its called revenge now do what i told you to do nigga. I almost died because of her ass Jay"

"Then why wont you do it?" I whined. This was a very serious situation. She wanted me to take someone's life.

She sighed in frustration "its too late Jayson. You're already in Atlanta. Just do it and catch that plane back home right after you're done. Easy peasy" its not as easy as it sound but she is right.

"Ugh alright Dana" i hung up the phone and leaned back in my seat as i watched Laylah and that fagget ass nigga get in Laylah's car. Its something about gay people that i don't like. Just being around them makes me uncomfortable. Seconds later a guy came out the door and kissed Laylah before getting into his car and driving away.

I sat there for a few more minutes before following them to their destination. As we drove on the highway i drove closely behind them and slammed into the car causing them to swerve off the road. My heart dropped when i saw the car role down the hill. And i heard a loud screeching sound.

"Oh shit. shit. shit. Shit" i screamed in fear amd quickly sped away.

This was worth way more than 5,000 dollars thats for damn sure.


Laylah Pov

Me and Tory was in the car listening to trip by Ella Mai. I swear this was his favorite song by her.

Out of no where a car crashed into us causing us to swerve off the road.

"Oh my god!!" I yelled as i tried to stop the car but I couldn't. We rolled down the hill and i didnt know what to do. My body was in so much pain and i knew this was going to be bad. All i could think about was my baby.

The car finally stopped rolling and stopped on the passenger side where Tory was sitting.

I rubbed my head and instantly felt blood dripping down my head. I looked at Tory and saw that he was passed out. Well i thought he was.

"Tory!" I yelled and started shaking him "Tory!" I yelled again with tears running down my face. "Tory wake up" i sniffed and smacked his face over and over again. I felt my hands start to shake and i could barley breath.

"Get it together Lay" i spoke to myself as I struggled to pull my phone out to call 911.

"Tory for real get up!!" I screamed louder and got out of the car. I saw blood all over me and I got scared even more.

I went to Tory's side and tried to pull him out. Once i did i saw a large piece of glass from the window in his stomach.

"Oh my godddd!" i cried out as the blood ran down my hands. This is a fucked up day.

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