Chapter 14

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Unknown Pov

"Girl what the hell are you doing?" My best friend Jayson asked me.

"Investigating" I said in a duh tone as I went to Bryson and Laylah Instagram.


"Because I want to know some things"

"Things Like?"

"Why are you asking me all those damn questions?! Fuck?! You making my head hurt" I yelled out in frustration.

"Oh I know her" Jayson pointed to picture of Laylah at the club.

"You do?" I frowned.

"Yea. We met at Cheddars. I gave her my number"

"Did she call you?" I smirked. I may have something.

"Sadly no" he chuckled


"Why are you trying to find them anyway?" I ignored him and continued to scroll on her IG. Then I saw another picture with her location.

"She lives in Atlanta" I mumbled

"I always wanted to go to Atlanta" Jayson said

"I need you to do me a favor. I will pay you 5,000 if you do it"

"Shii bet. What is it?" I smiled. Everything was finally coming together.

Laylah Pov

"So he is coming to see you tomorrow?" Tory asked with wide eyes.

"No I doubt it. I haven't texted him back to send him my address. I don't want him to come lowkey"

"Why?" He frowned

"I feel like a side chick" I admitted

"Shii you are" he mumbled

I smacked my teeth as i rubbed my temple.

"No I'm not. I'm going to just cut this little thing we have going on off"

"So you can be with Denzel?"

"What? No. I told you. We are just close friends"

"Friends with benefits. Y'all tryna be a fake ass Queen and Clarence" Tory mumbled as he looked down at his phone and Laid across my sofa.

"No. And why are you so dresssed up?" I sipped my coffee then looked at him.

"Ugh" he rolled his eyes and sighed "I have a interview"

"Really? For what?"

"Modeling. I already auditioned so I don't know why they want me to do an interview"

"Well you should do it. You would look so cute" I cooed and squeezed his cheek.

"yea yea yea. Get off me"

"What's wrong?" I frowned

"Nothing. I just don't feel like going anywhere"

"Aw you'll be ok"

"Ik. How was work?" He rubbed his beard as he closed his eyes

"It was ok i guess. Just the regular" I shrugged.

"Oh ok. Aye when I get back you wanna come with me to TGI Friday?" He looked at his watch then back at me.

"What time? Because Denzel is coming over to fix my car"

"What's wrong with it?"

"My air won't work no more. I dont know what happened to it"

"Well like 8 or 9"

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