Chapter 30

940 40 14

6 months later

Excuse the mistakes i was rushing.

Bryson pov

I sat at my kitchen table starring down at the DNA test that I had just received from Amber. I didn't know how to react. I was mad as hell but happy at the same time.

"What does it say babe?" My girlfriend asked me as she grabbed my hand

I looked at her then sighed as i through the paper down and started shaking my head.

"Oh" she sighed and put her head down. It was like she had already knew the answer to that question.

"I am 99.9% not the father of Brenton Lamar Phillips" I kind of knew it in my heart but i wanted that little boy to be mine lowkey. I've always wanted a son.

"I expected you to be happy Bry. I mean you don't have to-"

"You dont understand. Ever since that baby was born I instantly had a connection with him. I know he is only 4 months old but I'm positive he is gonna notice i stopped coming around"

It was true. Amber had Brenton just 4 months ago and I had gotten attached. Everyone told me not to but when i saw his big ole eyes i fell in love with that little boy. At first i wasn't even going to go to the child birth but I deep down thought that maybe this could be my child.

Since he isn't mine he must be Quan's son and i know damn well Quan isnt going to do shit for Brenton. Shii he barely does anything for his other kids.

"I understand" she rubbed my arm "So what you gonna do?"

i shrugged. Now that this was out of the way i needed a DNA test for Laylah's daughter Tory. Kayla was showing me pictures of her a couple days ago and I gotta admit she does look just like me but looks can be deceiving. She is so adorable I give her that. Im just happy Laylah finally got her a child and is happy. I see she moved in with that nigga Decimal or w.e his name is. I know one thing tho. If that child is mine ian letting his ass play "daddy" to her. I dont care if he marry Laylah he not gone be taking care of my child.

"I guess imma just have to fall back"

"I think that's the best decision"
I nodded my head in agreement then leaned back in my chair to take everything in. Kendra grabbed my face and connected our foreheads.

"Lets do something fun. You seem so down" she pecked my lips then smiled. I loved that she always tried to cheer me up.

"What you wanna do?" I stared in her eyes and instantly got lost. Her eyes were so hypenotysing. I dont know what had gotten into me but it was like she made me into a whole nother person...a better person.

"Anything you wanna do" she said. "Ouuu lets go swimming" she cheered then jumped up and down "Or rock climbing"

"You always wanna do some outta pocket shii" i laughed then started walking towards my room and she followed.

"Its called being adventurous"

"Yea whatever" i mumbled as i walked towards my dresser to grab my clothes.

"Ugh i look so skinny" Kendra pouted as she starred at herself in my mirror. "I been tryna gain weight for the longest"

"Arent models supposed to be skinny?" I said in a duh tone

"Yes but i dont like being skinny. Errbody be talking about me n shii like damn hoe i dont starve to death"

"Baby hush you look fine" i shooed her off then grabbed my boxers.

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