Chapter 15

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Bryson Pov

"Why are you just now telling me you're going to Miami?" Amber damn near yelled. I smacked my teeth and put her on speaker phone. Swan shook his head as he plunged through my refrigerator. I swear this nigga always eating my food.

"Because I just found out. My manager said this is a good opportunity for me. Its a couple meetings I have to go to so I can meet some new people and they want me to do a photo shoot" I lied

"Shaking my head" Swan mumbled and grabbed the ingredients so he could make a sandwich.

"Shut up" I muttered to Swan then sighed

"Why didn't they tell you before? I don't like that you're leaving out of no where. I didn't even get to see you before you go"

"I know babe. My plane leaves at 3"

"Well when are you coming back?" She sighed

"Uh..." I didn't really decide on when I wanted to come back. I didn't want to stay long though because I have a daughter to take care of. "Probably Tuesday"

"That's 3 days" Amber whined. Swan smacked his teeth and chuckled

"Amber that's not that long"

"Damn she want you to be around her 24/7" Swan said loud enough for Amber to hear.

"Is that Swan?" Amber asked "Do you have me on speaker phone?" i could hear the anger in her voice and I didn't feel like arguing with her.

"No babe that's the tv" i lied

"Oh ok. But anyway you better face time me everyday"

"I can't promise that because I'm going to be real busy"

"Not too busy for me" Amber said in a duh tone.

"You right. But aye I'm packing right now. I'll call you when the plane land"

"Ok" she said in a sad tone

"Aw don't do that"

"Imma miss you bae. I love you"

Swan quickly looked at me and stopped opening the mayo. I guess he was waiting to see what I was going to say. He gave me that 'nigga don't do if' face.

"I love you too" Swan eyes widened and he started shaking his head as he continued to make his sandwich. "Alright bye bae"


After that I hung up the phone and I immediately got cursed out by Swan.

"Nigga are you dumb or are you stupid?! That girl already crazy and clingy as fuck and you said I love you to her! You must be retarded as fuck. I know you don't love her so why would you say it? You don't love her do you?"

I stood up and started walking to my room so I could put the rest of my bags in the car.

"You do?!"

"Swan chill" I stopped and looked at him "No. I have love for her but I don't love her"

"Then why did you say it?"

"If I didn't say it she was going to break up with me or either cry"

"So. I would've been like bitch i only love my bed and my mama I'm sorry" I laughed at the fact that he was quoting Drake.

"You slow" i said then walked towards my room


"This plane is nice my nigga. They got leather seats and Shii. Make me feel boujie" Swan rubbed his seat with a big smile on his face.

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