Chapter 3

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Laylah Pov

"Haha girl you is slow" I laughed as we all walked in the house. I was shocked to see Bryson sitting on the sofa chillin with Harley and Kyle.

"Laylah!" Harley yelled and ran up to me.

"Hey Harley" i smiled and dropped my bags and picked her up.

"I missed you. Daddy said you weren't coming back" she wrapped her arms around my neck. I eyed Bryson then cleared my throat. He looked like he was annoyed by my presence but to be honest the feeling was mutual.

"Uh Harley i didnt come to stay. I'm leaving in 2 days" I said. She pouted and put her head on my shoulder.

"Why are you leaving me again?" She whined.

"Harley she is known for leaving" Bryson said and stood up and took her out my arms. I rolled my eyes and looked at Tory with an annoyed face.

"Bryson don't start" I said as I pushed past him and walked up to Kyle "Hey titi baby"

"Hey Aunt Lay" he yawned and rubbed his eyes

"You look sleepy" I squeezed his cheeks and he smacked his teeth and scooted away from me.

"I'm too big for you to be squeezing my cheeks. I'm a grown man"

"Oh really?" Kayla asked with her hand on her hip

"Yep" he nodded his head and smiled

"Well since you so grown you old enough to move out my house"

"Well I would if i had the money but you cut down my allowance to $5 a week" I burst out laughing and shook my head.

"Getchoassupstairs" she curved her lips and growled at Kyle.

"Did you just growl at him?" Eric asked as he came from the back room

"Yea" Kayla shrugged "Where my babies?"

"They upstairs sleeping"

"Well imma see y'all later" Bryson grabbed his phone off the coffee table and grabbed Harley hand.

"Wait I thought you was going to babysit for me" Eric said

"Oh shit I forgot" he sighed. I rolled my eyes at the sound of his voice and pulled out my phone to entertain myself.

"Where you going?" Kayla asked

"We are going out" He kissed Kayla on her cheek and grabbed her hand.

"Damn I wasnt invited" Kc said

"We know that" Eric said with a light chuckle

"Laylah do you mind staying with Bryson. I dont want him to watch 4 kids all by himself" Kayla begged

"I don't need her help" Bryson said

"Come on Bryson. Last time you had a hard time watching them" Eric said

"I'm a grown man I know how to babysit"

"Tory what you bouta do?" I asked

"Me and Kc going to this bar. You should come" he said

"Um I'll just go to the hotel and chill. I'm not really in the mood for a bar" I said truthfully

"Well I'll stay with you" Tory said

"No you can still go"

"You can't stay in the hotel room by yourself. That's how people get kidnapped and raped"

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