Chapter 10

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Excuse any mistakes

Bryson Pov

I sat in the car rubbing Laylah's thigh as I looked out the window. It felt like this was the longest drive home. We both were hot and bothered. Even though our relationship is complicated I still love that girl and I was going to let her know tonight.

"You good?" I asked. She looked like she was in deep thought. She was biting her lips as she stared down at the floor.

"Huh?" She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at me.

"I said you good?" I asked again

"Yea I'm cool" she shrugged and looked back at the floor.

"You're lying" I could tell when she was lying.

"No I'm not"

"Ok" I decided to leave it alone so I kissed her cheek and pulled her into me. She layed her head on my shoulder as she slowly started drifting off to sleep.

About 15 minutes later we made it back to my house. Laylah was sound asleep so after I paid the uber I picked Laylah up bridal style and carried her in the house.

"Mhm" she squirmed a little as I walked to my room.

"Were home" I said as I gently laid her in my bed. She was sprawled out on the bed so I could tell she was in a deep sleep. I started taking her hills off then I grabbed one of my shirts to put on her.

"I'm so tired" she mumbled. So much for making love to her.

"Go to sleep Lay. I got you" I assured her and she smiled then fell right back to sleep. I started taking off her dress and then I slid the shirt on her. "Imma go take a shower real quick"

"Mhm" I knew she was half sleep right now. I chuckled and kissed her forehead then went to the bathroom.

About 15 minutes later I was done so I slid on my boxers and put some lotion then walked out. I smirked at the sight. Laylah was laying on her stomach with nothing on but a bra and her thong.

"thank you" I put my hands together and looked up at the sky. i was really about to get all up in that now. She knew what was up.

I got in the bed and cuddled into Laylah as I wrapped my arms around her.

"You smell good" she mumbled into my chest then kissed it.

"Why you took the shirt off" I asked as I rubbed up and down her back

"I got hot"

"Mhm" I chuckled.

"I'm horny" she opened her eyes and looked up at me. I was a bit taken back by how plainly she said it. Like she wasn't nervous or anything. She only gets like this when she is high or tipsy.

"Are you drunk?" i asked

"No. But I'm horny so come on" she sat up and straddled me.

"Whoa what happened to all that oh my god you have a girlfriend crap?" I have never seen this side of her.

"Don't remind me or I'm gonna change my mind"

"You ain't gotta tell me twice"

She slid her thong off then roughly pulled my boxers off then slid herself onto me slowly.

"Shit" I groaned and through my head back. She slowly bounced up and down and I felt my soul leave my body. That's how good it felt.

"Ahh" she rested her hands on my chest and through her head back as she bit her lips. "Ouu" she moaned out louder. I was having the best time of my life right now.

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