Chapter 20

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Bryson Pov

"You a nasty motha fucker" Swan laughed as he tried to unlock our hotel room. "You got your dick sucked from some random girl in the back of a club" he shook his head then walked into the room.

"Don't remind me" I mumbled as I flopped on the sofa. I felt horrible. I still couldn't stop thinking about Laylah and it was really pissing me off. I keep trying to forget her but its not working.

"The old Swan would've been hyping you up right now but the new Swan isn't really proud of what you been doing lately" Swan grabbed the remote and sat beside me.

"Scoot over" I frowned and pushed him away from me. "Gay ass" I mumbled

"Mannn stop trying me with that gay shit" he smacked his teeth and scooted over to the edge of the sofa.

"And what you talking bout? What happened to the old Swan?"

"He gone. I was talking to my cousin Raeshwan and he was really speaking some facts. This ain't the life I want no more. Fucking random hoes. Getting sloppy drunk. Fighting every other night. I wanna get baptized and hopefully find me a girl" My eyes widened. I had never seen this side of Swan before.

"You deadass?"

"Yea bro." He nodded his head then turned on the tv.

"Well Damn. I'm proud of you man. You really is tryna change." I dapped him and sighed. Now it was my turn.

"I don't know if I can give up this lifestyle to be honest" I said truthfully. I was having the time of my life right now.

"You can. But you still young so ion blame you" he shrugged "And about this lil situation with you and Laylah. I think you should just let her be"

"I was gone do that anyway. Fuck her ass" I scoffed and folded my arms.

"You mad or nah?" Swan burst out laughing "you big mad or lil mad?" He laughed harder as he clapped his hands and stomped his feet. I swear this nigga annoying asf.

I smacked my teeth "I'm not mad. I'm forreal though. After today I'm not talking that girl unless it is dealing with my child. I'm not about to go back and forth with her. She happy with that goofy ass nigga and im happy with my girl and my hoes. Period. Shit that baby might not even be mine." I shrugged

"Damn you serious?" He glanced at me then back at the tv

"As a heart attack" and I wasnt lying. Yea I was gonna miss her but I'm not about to do the same old shit with her. Argue, have sex, argue, have sex, argue, have sex. I'm tired of it. I'm not about to waist my time with her confused ass.

"That's crazy. Before y'all was all up on each other in love and shit, now y'all can't stand each other"

I shrugged and rubbed my beard "It was fun while it lasted" I chuckled then pulled out my phone.

"What you gone do about Amber?"

"Why are we talking about them? I don't wanna talk about them no more today" I felt my phone vibrate to see 3 missed calls from Amber. Seconds later Swan's phone rung.

"Yoo" Swan answered the phone as he looked at me with wide eyes. "Its her" he whispered. "Oh hey Amber wassup"

I smacked my teeth then stood up. "I'm sleep" I said. Swan nodded his head.

"Bryson? Oh he sleep right now....I'll tell did you get my number....chill goddam the nigga is sleeping not fucking a ain't gotta yell lil shawty...and I just said I'll let him know that you called so therefore there is no need for us to continue this conversation. Goodbye have a nice night" Swan hung up the phone and sighed. I stood there looking at him.

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