Chapter 12

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Bryson pov

"Are you serious right now?" Amber crossed her arms and paced around my living room. I shook my head and rubbed my hand over my face. She was really stressing me out right now.

I don't see why she continues to complain about me. If she is tired like she says she is then she should just leave like any person with common since would do.

"What is your problem girl?" I didn't have time for her attitude. I had to get to the studio in about a hour so I could continue to work on my new album Serenity.

"Why the hell did I have to find out from a friend that you went to a strip club last night and some random bitch was dancing all up on you?" She rolled her neck as she talked.

I smacked my teeth and chuckled. That was the point of a strip club.   "did you see some random bitch dancing on me?" I raised a brow

"No bu-"

"Ok then why are we even having this conversation?"

"Because I feel like you have changed ever since Laylah came to visit"

"Amber its been 3 weeks since she left" I pointed out

"And in those 3 weeks you've changed"

"Changed how?" She groaned in frustration and stopped paceing.

"You have this nonchalant attitude now. You're barley even talking to me like you used to. And every time I see you, you act like you don't even want to see me" I saw her eyes water and I knew she was about to cry. My face softened and I grabbed her arm and pulled her into my lap.

"And you don't even kiss me like you used to" she gently wiped her tears as she stared at the wall.

"I'm sorry Amber. You're right I have been tripping. I don't know what's wrong with me" I used my thumb to rub her tears away.

"I just want us to have a good healthy relationship. We both have bad experiences with our exes and I don't want us to end up in that situation" she grabbed my hand and pecked my lips.

"I know bae" I grabbed her face gently and smashed my lips onto hers. I felt more and more guilty for what I had did but I couldn't help but to think and Laylah while I was kissing her. 

I felt like I was pushing myself to stay in this relationship because I know how sensitive she is and i don't want to hurt her like her exes did her but its like I'm playing this role and all this shit was a movie.

"I love you" she mumbled as she ran her fingers through my beard.

I froze. I didn't know whether to say it back or keep silent. The expression she had on her face told me that she regretted saying it. I didn't want to her her feelings but I didn't want to lie to her either.

"Fuck" she mumbled "I knew I should've kept my mouth shut" she started to get up but I held her down.

"No" I pecked her lips and rubbed her bottom lip with my thumb. "I love you too"

I knew I was wrong but I couldn't stand to see that disappointed look on her face. She has been nothing but good to me and here I am lying and cheating on her. I was acting just like them fuck boys and I knew it. Yea I fucked another girl about a week ago. But there were no feelings attached. But with laylah its different. I just hoped I could man up to tell her the truth. But for now I was going to shut the hell up.

"Are You Sure? I feel like I'm pressuring you to say it" As much as I wanted to say 'no I love laylah' I went with my first instinct.

"No I really do love you" I lied as I stared in her eyes. She cracked a smile and laid her head on my shoulder.

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