Chapter 13

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I week later

Laylah Pov

I'm coming to see you this weekend

I rolled my eyes at the text message and got in the car with Denzel. He had just picked me up from a long day at work. I would've drown my own car but he insisted on picking me up.

"How was work?" Denzel turned the radio down and glanced at me.

"It was ok. My back was hurting a little so I had to take a break. And my feet are sore as hell" I complained then I put my seat belt on.

"Aww my poor little princess" he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

I didn't know if we were dating or not. We acted like a couple but then we didn't act like a couple. It was so confusing. A part of me just wants to wait until I get a better understanding about what I wanted to do with Bryson because I didn't want to get into a relationship with Denzel and do him like Bryson did Amber. Maybe I should just go with the flow.

"Don't worry I'm going to give you a nice massage when we get to my house"

"Ok but I can't spend the night because I have work tomorrow"

"Ok that's fine. What you want for dinner?"


"Ok tacos it is" he nodded his head and continued to drive.

"I have to vent" I blurted out. I couldn't stop thinking about Bryson.

"Ok then vent. I told you that you can talk to me about anything princess" I smiled then sighed.

"I have mixed feelings"

"About?" He raised his brow


"...well ok continue"

"Before I saw him I hated him but after we talked and chilled" I wasn't going to mention us having sex "I don't know if I want him or not"

"Mh" Denzel mumbled and nodded his head. "What did y'all talk about?"

"the break up. He said he didn't mean the things he said and he apologized and he also said he still loves me" I heard Denzel sigh.

"I said it back. I do love him. He even talked about us being together but just a week ago I saw him and his girlfriend on Instagram all happy and shit and it left me bitter as hell. I don't want you to feel like I lead you on or-"

"Its cool Princess. I understand. You love him. But I don't think its a good idea for y'all to get back together any time soon. And I'm saying this from a friend's perspective not as someone who has feelings for you. If he has a girlfriend I think you should just chill and focus on you. And if he really wanted to be with you he would've cut things off with him and his girl. And you aren't leading me on" he glanced at me then back at the road.

Did he just tell me he had feelings for me or did I hear that wrong?

"You have feelings for me?" I stared at the side of his face. He chuckled then bit his lip.

"Doesn't matter now right?" I sighed in disappointment. "But continue. I'm still listening"

"Well I feel like he just wants me as a back up you know? I think he wants me but he doesn't want to break up with his girl. I mean I think that is my fault. I did tell him not to break up with her"

"Why did you say that?" he frowned

"Because I didn't want him to end things with her then get right into a relationship with me for it to fuck up again. I think thats a total waist of time you know"

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