Chapter 1: Ouran

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As you stepped out of the limo, the sun hit your eyes. You shielded them with your hand. It was the first day of school and you already felt tired. Your driver walked up to you and leaned against the limo.

"Nervous? I guess it's the same with rich kids", he said with a grin. You rolled your eyes. Thomas hasn't been your family's driver for that long. He started a few months ago since his father has been working for your family a really long time.

His words didn't mean anything. You're not going to deny that having rich parents have their perks. Credit cards without a limit, not having to worry about the price tag, a driver that drives you everywhere.

Too bad, he doesn't know when to shut his mouth.

"You'll pick me up after school", it wasn't really a question but more a command. Thomas could really get under your skin for the slightest things. You heard the door of the limo slam shut. Without a goodbye or good luck, Thomas left with your few thousand dollar car.

You inhaled deeply and climbed the steps towards the school. Inside it was just as beautiful as you imagined. But then a group of girls ran towards you. A large group of fangirling females. It was the most terrifying thing someone could encouter if he or she doesn't step out of the way. The girls ran outside and you could only hear bits and pieces of their conversations.

"I bet Tamaki has a tan from going to-"

"I heard Kyoya has big plans for the club!"

"Do you think Mori-senpai will notice me this year?"

You chuckled as you all heard them fangirl about a group of boys. It didn't annoy you in the slightest bit. You could be like that, too. Especially over fictional characters. You shook your head and walked towards your first class.


When you finally arrived home you quickly fast walked towards the kitchen. Your elder brother, Yaboku, was already standing there with a bucket of ice cream, almost empty.

"You ate all the ice cream?!" you gasped while trying to look in the bucket.

"I think Ao ate it", he said shrugging while taking a bite of the ice cream. Ao was your (you can choose what kind of dog) who everyone in your family adored.

"But you're eating it! Right before my eyes! I can see it!"

"No, you don't", he said and then left the kitchen with the ice cream. "Oh and there is some guy waiting for you in the living room."

Curiously, you entered the living room. A young man around your age, maybe a little older, sat on the couch admiring the room. You had no idea who he was or what he was doing here.

Why did they even let him in?

"I've been waiting for you, (Y/N)."

Not creepy at all.

"Uhm, I don't know you", you said while clenching your fist. The guy smiled softly at you.

"Call me X. Nice to meet you", he said while standing up and slightly bowing. You didn't move an inch. "I'm going to keep this short. I can give you the information that you want. I can even give you money but I doubt that you have troubles with that."

You rolled your eyes. But you were intrugued about the information part. "What kind of information?" there was one thing, or more like  one person you'd like to know more about.

"I know what happened to your father. Your mother lied about him. He didn't leave you", he said without an expression. Your eyes widened when he said that. Your mother never liked to talk about your father. You always thought she never talked about it because it was too painful.

"What do I have to do in return?" you asked before accepting any information. You doubt who would give it for free. He took out a light brown document and threw it on the table. Then he said the seven magical words that turned my world upside down.

"I need you to spy for me."


My chapters are pretty short, I know. But I update often.

Just giving you guys a head up.

Oh and yea I know Mori didn't appear in the first chapter. But he will in the second. No worries ;)

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