Chapter 18: Lettuce

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You awkwardly shifted in your seat. Since your parents were gone for a few weeks you invited Mori over for dinner. He came right on time but Yaboku opened the door. You forgot to tell him about inviting him. And even telling him you have a boyfriend.

Your brother was glaring at Mori the whole time. Mori doesn't seem bothered by it at all, though. Like always he quietly sipped from his drink.

"Takashi Morinozuka, huh?" Yaboku said trying to break the ice. Mori nods slowly. "It sounds familiar... but I can't put my finger on it."

"So, uhm, Mori, I forgot to thank you for the flowers", you said with a smile. Yaboku scoffed.

"Those weren't even flowers. It was lettuce."

"It still counts. Don't be such a jerk", you snapped back. Mori bought them thinking it were flowers but they were not. Yaboku scoffs again and took a bite of his pudding.

Well isn't this nice...


"Take care, alright?" you say and hug your boyfriend. You could hear Yaboku fake puking behind you. Mori chuckles and let's go. He nods before turning and stepping into his car.

"Close the door. I don't want you to burst into tears when you realise you won't see him until tomorrow", Yaboku says dramatically and poses. You playfully punched him against his arm. Again he overreacts.

"You're such a goof," you say then ran up the stairs so Yaboku wouldn't come after you. When you entered the room, you realised there was tons of homework you had to work on. But it was late so you snuggled up in your bed. As you were about to turn on your laptop, you notice something. The picture of you and your brother when you were younger was replaced. Before, it stood next to your bed. Now it was laying on your desk. Frowning, you climbed of your bed.

Was X here? Or someone else maybe?

Slightly scared you looked around the room, noticing other few changes. As you were about to leave the room again, someone grabbed you from behind. You wanted to kick the unknown person but someone also grabbed you by your legs. Quickly you were blindfolded. Still, you tried to wriggle out of their grasps. But it didn't work. It got only worse.
They tied your hands and feet together. Even placed something in your mouth.

"Knock the brother out. We don't need any witnesses or interruptions," a deep voice said from behind you. "We'll have our hands full with this one already."

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