Chapter 9: George

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You entered the kitchen and slammed into Thomas' chest. Yaboku, who was sitting on top of table not far from you, laughed.

"Goodmorning, princess", Thomas said jokingly. Yaboku took another bite of his pudding while greeting you with a mouth full. You rolled your eyes and sat next to him.

"Thomas, could you please get me some pudding out of the fridge, too?" you asked nicely. Thomas shrugged and walked towards the fridge. Yaboku, on the other hand, laughed nervously. He left the room shortly after.

"I think your brother took the last one", Thomas said sticking his head in the fridge. "Yeah, that was the last one." You utterly had no energy to throw a tantrum. So you just sighed.

"Are you alright?" Thomas asked sounding genuinely concerned. You shook your head, slumping across the table. "You want to talk about it?"

"You're a boy, right?"

"Jeez, thanks for noticing, (Y/N)", he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Thomas sat down next to you, placing a glass of juice in front of him. "You want something to drink?" You nodded and wanted to reach out to the glass but he pushed it away. "Tch, get your own glass. This was for me", he said trying to lighten the mood. But he saw that you were upset so he stopped joking around.

"I guess, I have some boy problems", you admitted. Thomas nodded slowly, as if saying that you needed to continue. "I'm not going to dwell into the details but... I needed to hang with this guy called, let's call him, George. The reason is not important", you said before Thomas could ask more about it. "The problem is that I kinda, maybe developed feelings for George. But I'm afraid that I will hurt his feelings if I tell him the truth."

Not to mention X will get furious if he finds out I told Mori about everything.

Thomas sipped from his juice, taking everything in. Considering the options and analysing the situation. You patiently sat next to him. Then you realised you actually turned towards Thomas for help.

I think I'm going crazy.

"Well, you could also just get the information you need from him but also stay close to this George-guy. But consider also telling him. Maybe he won't react so bad to it after all? I don't know the guy. Either way, it doesn't matter what kind of advice or how much you get, it's still your decision to make in the end", Thomas said standing up and placing the juice in the sink.

"I guess, you're right", you said with a groan. But then you frowned as you realised something. "Wait, I didn't tell you I needed information from this George. I only told you I needed to hang out with him." Thomas stiffened realising his own mistake. After a few seconds, he turned.

"Did I?" he asked walking towards the exit of the kitchen. "How did you know?" you asked raising an eyebrow.

"Just a guess", he said with a shrug and left the room. Leaving you with a tons of unanswered questions.

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