Chapter 28: Safe?

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"Are you sure we're safe here?" you asked Yaboku who parked the car in front of the house. Honey jumped out of the car and Mori quickly followed.

"No, but they won't expect us to be here. Besides, they'll make sure nobody knows we're here," Yaboku answered and got out of the car himself. You placed a hand on your belly as you looked past the trees. Your stepdad had a small cottage in the middle of the woods that nobody knows of. It has been a few years since you came here last year. The door of the cottage opened and your mother stepped out. When she saw you, she leaped towards you. She hugged you tightly.

"I'm glad you're safe. Come on in, dad has everything set up for your stay here," she says and leads all of you towards the cabin. X layed down on the couch as soon as he entered. Honey sat on the ground tired from the trip. Your brother was helping your dad while Mori was nowhere to be found. You decided to look for him.


"Mori?" he was looking at the forest in front of him. When you called out, he didn't move an inch. Slowly, you walked up to him. You wanted to take his hand in yours, but wasn't sure if you should.

"Did you know?" he simply asked. He didn't face you. In the background, you heard the chatter of the others from inside.

"No, I didn't know that my brother was behind," you answered. Mori inhaled and then grabbed your hand. Your fingers entangled in his. You sighed happily as he took you in his arms. His scent filled your nose. "There is something you should know." He still didn't let you go but he kissed your head as a sign to continue. "I have the key." Mori stiffened.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Mori we should take it out." Mori pushes you back and looks you in the eyes. "He will come after me if we don't. We should-"
Before you could finish your sentence, he kisses you. It has been so long since you felt his lips on yours. The wind picked up and made your hair even more messy than before.

"Let's... talk about that later," he insists after pulling back. You nod and face the forest again. Mori is against taking the key out but if you don't. You'll never be safe again.


I never know how to write a kiss scene. Probably because I've never kissed anyone before.



Oh well, sorry for the late update. 😅

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