Chapter 26: Guilt

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Yaboku POV

"I need your help," I asked through the speaker. Mori sat in the corner. Expressionless like always. He didn't even look up. "(Y/N) is in danger." He shrugged as though he didn't care. I didn't know why.

I needed his help because I can't take down several heavily armed men. Not even X can. If Mori and Honey worked together like that time when she got "captured" it would work. We could get her out of here.

"We can help you get to Honey," someone said behind me. I already knew that voice. It was X. Mori did look up now. I wanted to punch him in the face because he thought (Y/N) was less important. But the stupid tinted glass and wall stopped me from doing so. "But only if you help us getting (Y/N) out of here." Mori frowned but nodded. X pushed a button, a faint click was heard. Mori walked towards the door and scanned the hallways to see if anyone was here.

"Let's go," X said and gestured us to follow him down the hall. Nobody said a word the whole time until we got to Honey's cell. He was sitting on the floor far away from the door and looking at the wall. X pushed the button again then Mori walked towards his cousin. Honey looked behind his shoulder and almost cried out of happiness.

"Taka-chan!" he exclaimed and hugged mori. Mori was happy to see he was safe and sound. "Where is (Y/N)-chan?"

"We're going to safe her right now," I said clenching my teeth and hopeing we weren't too late already. Honey's eyes widened.

"They are looking for the key?" he asks. I nodded slowly. X looked down at the ground feeling guilty. Before meeting (Y/N), he wouldn't really care what happened to her. But now, it's different. It's also kind of his fault for bringing her into this mess. "Then let's go before we're too late!" Honey tugged at Mori's shirt and walked towards us. I nodded and led the way to where they will be looking inside my sister's body.

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