Chapter 8: Yaboku

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You blushed when you realised his hand was pressed against your lower back, just above your butt. You pulled away from his gaze.

"I'm sorry", you murmured softly and bowed your head in respect. Then you sent a glare Satoshi's way. Mori gave you a breathtaking smile, flowers appeared in the background. He rarely smiled but it warmed your heart when he did. He hooked your arm around yours and led you outside, towards the garden. Some of the people you passed stopped their conversation to stare at the two of you. Mori almost never had a girl at his side, let alone while smiling. Stepping outside, wind hit your skin, giving you goosebumps. The two of you sat on a bench near the fountain in the middle of the large garden.

"I apologize for my brother's behaviour", Mori said breaking the silence. You shook your said as if saying that it didn't matter.
"Who was... that person you came with?" It took you a moment to realise who he was talking about.

Ohh, Yaboku.

You smirked. Was that jealousy? Or merely just concern? "My boyfriend", you lied trying to hold back a grin. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Mori clenching his jaw. But then you burst out in laughter.

"I'm just kidding. He's my brother." Mori's face was now expressionless and lost in thought. You faced him with a furrowed brow. "Uhm, it was just a joke? Sorry if I... offended you or anything?"

Mori's POV

I was lost in thought when I heard (Y/N)'s voice, ripping me out of my thoughts. She looked at me with concern. "I know", I simply said. (Y/N) looked relieved when I said that. A few seconds ago, she joked about having a boyfriend. However, I felt kind of... jealous. It was a new feeling that I haven't felt in years. She has captivated my thoughts day and night. We get along well, but I'm afraid.

Of what exactly?

That... I don't know. Honey-senpai often says that we're going to marry someday. Me and (Y/N). For some reason, I felt happy and I was hopeful. (Y/N) and I get along well. And this might sound cliché but she's different from the girls that visit me in the Host Club.

"Mitsukuni, has grown fond of you," it came out all hoarse and had to fight back a blush like I did a countless times these past few weeks.

"Really?" (Y/N) stared up at me, her head cocked to the side in a cute way. "I'm glad to hear. I've grown fond of him, too." I lounged back a little bit. I gazed past her, focusing on the flowers near the bench, carefully choosing my words.

"Only him?"

"No, not only Honey-senpai." My gaze locked on hers. Those remarkable eyes held mine. (Y/N) leaned in a little bit. I didn't move at all, not a muscle. Before she closed the gap between us completely, she backed off. Disappointment washed over me. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but something was bothering her. I've become pretty good at reading people's faces. It was a skill I perfected.

"I'm... going to look for my brother", she said and left me. I inhaled deeply. My heart was aglow with something I haven't felt before for a girl.

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