First day

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It's Evan's first day at school. Being the anxious boy he is, he is freaking out.

He is afraid of the stares people used to give him. Afraid of not being accepted. Afraid of being forgotten.

Because of these bad thoughts, Evan couldn't sleep well at night. When he finally fell asleep, he heard his alarm clock ring. He was tired, but he jumped off the bed and quickly went downstairs. He ate some cereal and went upstairs again to change his clothes, brush his teeth and try to fix his messy hair.

He entered the bathroom, and stared at himself on the mirror for long five minutes.

He was feeling confident and desperate at the same time. He promised to his mother that he was going to make new friends this year, but he didn't know if he could.

"You can do it. You will do it. Today, you will meet new people. Relax. It will be alright.", he whispered to himself in the front of the mirror.

This made him feel a little more confident, but not enough. He was still nervous and anxious. Write letters to himself always helped him on calm down, so he decided to write in on his phone:

Dear Evan Hansen,

Today will be an amazing day, because at least, you're being yourself. You don't have do get worried about making new friends. Why people wouldn't like an amazing person like you as a friend?

Sincerely, Me

This made him feel much better. Now he was ready to go. He was ready for his first day.

He never felt so confident and optimist on his whole life. He left the bathroom smiling and went downstairs.

His mother was waiting for him inside the car.

"Good morning Ev! Ready for your first day at school?"

"I-I uhh... M-Maybe?"

She just giggled and focused on driving again.

They quickly arrived at Evan's school.

"Bye Evan! I hope your first day go well. I come pick you up later! Love you!", his mother yelled and then left.

Evan waved at her and entered the school. He was so nervous again. He felt he couldn't even breath properly. He was panting and sweating a lot. He felt like everybody was staring at him and judging him in silence.

He decided it would be better go put his stuff inside his locker.

The hallway was very noisy, but Evan was feeling alone. He had only one friend.He was afraid to talk to people. He thought people would judge him or be mean to him.

There were many happy people meeting their friends. Smiling and laughing. This made him feel much worse about himself.

He reached his locker. This part of the hallway was very quiet for Evan's surprise. There were just some kids leaning on the wall.

Suddenly, his eyes got wide open when he saw a very beautiful boy. He had pale skin, amazing brown hair (which seemed to be so soft), deep blue eyes and beautiful pink lips. He was tall, slim and wore a black hoodie and black jeans. He had some dark circles under his eyes, but Evan didn't mind. He could only concentrate on that boy's perfection.

Evan couldn't help but stare at him.

The boy noticed. He approached. The tall boy had an angry expression on his face.

"What the fuck are you staring at?!", he practically yelled.

"N-No I-I... I wasn't-". He was cut off by the boy.

"It's because I'm a freak right? Because no one will NEVER stop staring at me saying that I'm a FUCKING FREAK! YOU KNOW WHAT? GET OUT OF MY WAY!", the boy yelled louder and pushed Evan.

The boy was really pissed off.

Evan wanted to follow him and apologize but the bell rang and he has to go to his literature class.

Everybody was sitting in pairs. Evan was the only one without a partner. Evan Hansen being alone wasn't such a rare thing.

Suddenly, the door opened, and the beautiful boy entered the classroom. He didn't know why, but the boy looked even prettier.

Evan flushed. A lot. He felt his face heat up and he couldn't stop staring at the boy's perfect face.

The teacher seemed a little angry at the boy.

"You're late again Connor. Try to be more punctual next time ok?"

"Ugh, fine...", he replied, a little angry.

"Then you can sit there, next to Evan.", the teacher said while pointing at the shy boy.

His face got even redder. He was sweating a lot. He didn't know what to say and how would he talk to him.

At this moment, a million of thoughts were passing trough his head.

"What if he still pissed off? What if I have a panic attack? What if he yell at me again? What if I really offended him? What if he never want to talk to me? What if I-", he thought, but then stopped thinking when the boy sat down next to him.

Evan was completely desperate. He was afraid of the boy, but he kinda wanted to be next to him. It was a good and a bad situation.

Connor started looking at him, and said as sweetly as he could "Hey, dude.... so uh... I'm sorry for pushing you in the hallway... I was... really angry. It's just that everybody see me as a freak and I-"

"I-It's o-okay...", Evan said, interrupting the boy.

"A-And my n-name is Evan Hansen...", the shy boy said, almost whispering.

"I'm Connor Murphy", the other boy said with a little smile on his face.

They remained in silent for the next few minutes. The class was so boring. Evan wanted to talk to Connor, but he was just so afraid.

"Hey Hansen, do you want to have lunch together?"

The shy boy, who had calmed down, flushed again. This time, his face got even redder than the last time. Connor noticed, but didn't mind.

He just nodded. He couldn't talk.

"So uh... see you at the cafeteria?", Connor asked.

Evan smiled nervously and nodded. His face was all red. He could hardly wait for lunch.



Hi! I'm Mari! Well, it's my first time writing a fanfic so I hope you guys like it... I'm not that good at writing so enjoy this shitty fanfic ;-;

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