The plan

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*Sooo... this chapter happens a few months after the previous chapter.

*Now, Jared is friends with Connor

*Evan and Connor realized they have a crush on each other.


After the time that Jared spent with Connor, he had to admit that he could be.... nice and cool.

Jared hated to admit it, but it was the truth. He also hated to admit that Evan was right all the time, and that made him a little bit angry.

He became a close friend of Connor and Evan, and knew them very well. Well enough to realize that the two OBVIOUSLY felt something more than friendship for each other.

Evan was always blushing around Connor, and every time he touches the tall boy, he used to blush even more. Connor seemed a lot happier when he was around Evan, and he also was a better person close to him. It was OBVIOUS that these two were in love for each other.

When the three of them were hanging out together, Jared always felt like he was third wheeling.

These things made him have a "brilliant" idea.

The school's winter ball was very close. He decided to make the two slow dance and then, kiss. For Jared, this plan was great, but obviously, it wasn't so easy to be completed. It wasn't that easy to put two people together, so he needed some help.

He called Connor's sister, Zoe, and told her the plan. She happily agreed, because she already realized what his brother probably felt for Evan.

"So.... we are going to make they confess to each other at the winter ball?" , Zoe asked.

"Yeah... but I want them to slow dance and kiss too. Zoe, c'mon, you know they are like, totally gay for each other.", Jared practically yelled.

"I know. It's obvious....", she stopped talking for a little time.

"Can I call Alana? I think she would help a lot. She's very good at planning stuff."

Jared sighed.

"Okay. But we can't let anyone else know about that. It's better if just we three know".

"Okay. I will call Alana and explain her everything. Bye", Zoe said excitedly


Jared hung up the phone and started his part of the plan. Convince Evan to go to the winter ball.

Evan, being the shy boy he is, never went to a ball. He was never brave enough. He through no one would like to dance with him and that everybody was going to mess with him because of this.

The shy boy hated everywhere that had much people and noises. These used to make him so anxious.

On Jared's opinion, this would be the hardest part. Even harder than make Connor and Evan confess to each other.

Evan was always hard to convince. He always had great arguments for everything too, so he always used to "win".

Jared decided it would be better if he started his part as soon as possible.

He thought of calling Evan, but then he thought it would be better talk to him personally, knowing that convince him would be a long and boring process.

Meanwhile, Zoe had already called Alana and explained everything.

Alana's part of the plan was creat the ideal conditions at the ball to make the two have a romantic moment. She should be sure to make the two slow dance and then, kiss. Her part was the hardest, but she happily agreed to do it.

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