Even more problems

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Hello again! I don't know how bad this chapter will be so forgive me already if it gets bad 😂

I based this chapter on a fanart by Mushie Roomie (I guess)

I based this chapter on a fanart by Mushie Roomie (I guess)

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*Before the chapter just a "little" explanation :3

Basically Jared has recovered his memory and he also remembered his feelings for Connor and Evan. He already had Hanahaki (fictional disease that you develop when you love someone and this person doesn't love you back. This disease also makes you cough flower petals and blood. When you remove the flowers by surgery your love for the other person disappears but if you don't remove it you die) but he didn't tell anyone. Now, the disease got stronger and if Jared don't remove the flowers he will die.. That's it I guess xD. Enjoy this shit!


Evan's POV

Me and Connor ran as fast as we could to call a nurse or a doctor. We panicked because of Jared's situation so a lot of people ended running to his room to help.

We nervously waited outside on a bench in front of the room until a doctor walked to us.

"Are you two Evan Hansen and Connor Murphy?"

"Yes." We answered at the same time.

"We need to talk about Jared's state. Me and the other doctors have identified another anomaly in your friend's body and we don't know if he will survive. They are taking him to the operation room now. We will do our best to make him survive..."

I felt like my heart broke inside my chest and my cry got out of control. I hugged Connor tightly again and hid my face on his neck, trying to comfort myself.

" *sigh* He has an anomaly called Hanahaki disease. We thought it was just fictional but it's actually real..." the doctor said a little disappointed.

"Hanahaki..? Isn't this the one-sided love disease?" Connor asked trying to calm me down.

"Exactly. Jared is suffering with a rejected love, so apparently he is coughing uncontrollably and there is a weird thing happening too.."

"W-What is i-it?" I asked still with my face on Connor's neck, hugging him tightly.

"He is coughing blood and flower petals. These are the symptoms of the disease when it is very strong. We need to remove the flowers and he will be fine. It's a dangerous surgery but I'm sure everything will be fine."

"F-Flower petals...?" Connor asked a little confused as I cried even more.

"Unfortunately yes. The flower petals seem to be hurting his throat a lot and the surgery will surely help. We will keep you two informed of everything that happens." The doctor said before leaving me and Connor alone again.

Connor gently brushed my hair as he whispered things like "he will be fine" ,"the surgery will go fine" or "it's ok baby.".

I calmed down a little at his sweet words and he grabbed my face with both hands. He sweetly caressed my cheeks and he leaned in for a kiss.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispered.

My face got deep red but I giggled and nodded.

Our lips connected and the kiss gradually got more passionate and deep. Unfortunately, we didn't notice my mother coming and she just stood speechless staring at us with disgust when she realized what we were doing.

I didn't tell my mother about me and Connor because she is homophobic and she always dreamt about me marrying a cute girl and having the kind of family that she thinks is perfect. I never wanted that. I kind of knew since the start that I was bissexual but if I told my mother she would probably kill me.

She didn't say anything so we didn't notice her. I was literally kissing my secret boyfriend in front of my mother and *cought* it was a tongue kiss...

When we pulled away (after a while) we turned around and saw my mother looking clearly mad at me and Connor.

"Evan Hansen! Why was you kissing this boy? Don't tell me you... Evan are you.. a-are you gay?"

I panicked. I was already scared about what she would do if I told her but at the moment she was probably going to kill me and Connor.

" *sigh* M-Mom... Connor and a I-I are.. w-we are..."

"You are what, Evan?" She said. I could feel the venom on her voice and it kind of hurt.

Connor shushed me and moved to my front, like he was trying to protect me.

"Mrs. Hansen... me and Evan are.... dating." He said as he looked a little disappointed with my mother's reaction about our relationship.

"What?!!" She yelled "Evan, I told you uncountable times that homosexuality is wrong! You never listen to me, do you?!" Each word seemed a knife stabbing my heart.

"M-Mom.. p-please... listen t-to-" I tried to speak but she cut me off.

"Why did I do wrong?" She mumbled to herself.

When I started crying because of the mean words, Connor got even more protective and he was obviously getting mad at my mother.

"I know you don't like homossexual people but Evan is still a wonderful person. Don't you think he still your son even though he's bisexual?"

"I don't have any son." She mumbled as she downed her head a little.

At these words my heart completely broke and I hugged Connor from back, burring my face on his black hoodie.

He was clearly trying to confront her about what she just said but I held him. Even after what my mom said I didn't want her to get hurt.

Again, she looked at us with disgust.

"Don't you dare come back home until you get rid of this stupid boyfriend!" My mom yelled. She said the word "boyfriend" with clear disgust as she turned around and started walking towards the elevator. She was probably going to exit the hospital.

I started crying again. My life was a mess. My best friend could die, my mother didn't consider me as her son anymore and the worse of all was that I put Connor on all of this too.

Connor turned around to face me and gently wrapped his arms around my waist.

"It's ok Ev... you can at my house until we solve things with her."

"S-She will n-never accept o-our r-relationship." I mumbled.

We hugged each other for some moments and pulled away. Then, the same doctor from before came and looked directly at us with a serious face.

"The surgery started now and everything is fine at the moment but unfortunately the hospital will close right now so you two have to leave."

"Ok.." Connor said sadly "c'mon Ev" he held my hand and we walked to the exit without saying a word to each other.

We both were still really upset about what happened and we needed some rest.

Everything else we did at this night was go to Connor's house and try to sleep a little even thought we couldn't.



You probably thought I couldn't put more problems on this story but I did >:) *evil laugh*

I promise there will be a happy ending but it will take a little while to solve everything ;)

Anyways, I hope you are enjoying this shit!

Bye! ❤️

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