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This is PURE SHIT so I'm sorry ;-;


Connor parked the car in front of Jared's house.

They left the car and saw the letter glued on the front door.

"A letter..?" Connor asked.

"It i-is addressed to u-us..."

"Let me read it."

Connor took the letter out of the door and started reading it.

"My dearests Connor and Evan,"

He took a deep breath before continuing.

"I never meant to ruin your relationship. I'm so sorry... please, forgive me. I regret everything I did on the restaurant. I shouldn't have involved Katlyn on all of this. I just didn't want to hide my real feelings..."

"His r-real f-feelings? What d-did he mean?"

"I don't know Ev..."

"I like you as more than friends. I love you two with all my heart... I've always loved." Connor read and covered his mouth in surprise.

Evan hugged his boyfriend tightly with tears on his eyes.

"H-He love we t-two..."

"That's why he kissed you but... if he really loved me, why did he always tease me?" Connor said as he started crying a little.

" *sigh* I was just afraid... afraid of being rejected because I knew you guys wouldn't return my feelings..."

Evan hugged Connor even tightly as they cried even more.

"Both of you are heartbroken and this hurts me even more than hurts you. I hope one day you two can forgive me... I promise you will never see me again."

"N-Never see him a-again... do you t-think he wants t-to..." he couldn't complete his phrase.

"I don't know, Ev... I hope he didn't do anything like that..."

"K-Keep reading t-the letter..."

"Soon, my existence won't bother you anymore. Don't come to search me, I already have my decision. Good bye to you guys and the world. Sincerely, Jared Kleinman."

"Holy shit! Jared!" Connor yelled as he opened the door and run upstairs with Evan.

They checked his bedroom and his parents room and he wasn't there.

"T-The bathroom Connor! T-The light is o-on!"

They entered the bathroom desperately and saw Jared fainted on the floor.

"Jared!" They yelled several times but he didn't answer.

"We need to bring him to the hospital right now!"

Evan agreed and they carried Jared downstairs.

Connor opened the car door and they all entered.

Evan was at the backseat with Jared on his lap.

"J-Jared... please d-don't die... p-please.." he said as a pot of tears fell on the fainted boy's face.

Jared's POV

After glueing the letter on the front door, I looked at the dark sky full of stars.

I looked at all the nature around me and it was beautiful.

"Goodbye world..."

I opened the front door and went upstairs.

I entered the bathroom, still crying. I opened the cabinet and grabbed a lot of pills. I looked at myself on the mirror for a last time.

I opened my mouth to start to swallow the pills but I hesitated for a moment.

I went to my room and looked at some selfies of me, Evan and Connor on my phone that we took when we were hanging out together.

"I can't live without you two..."

I kept passing the photos until I saw a special one. I looked at it with my eyes full of tears.

"This photo... my mother took it the day me and Evan met.." I sighed.

I finally felt prepared enough. I went back to the bathroom and grabbed the pills again.

After taking a deep breath, I put one inside my mouth and swallowed it. I did the same with five more pills. It was painful.

"I deserve to suffer. I deserve to die." I thought as I took three more pills.

I felt a weird sensation in my stomach and I started getting dizzy. I fell on the ground. Everything was getting dark and silent. The last thing I saw, was Evan and Connor entering my bathroom yelling my name.

"Goodbye guys..." I mumbled.

Then, the darkness expanded, completely covering my vision.

I felt an amazing relief. I was finally dead, and nobody would get hurt because of me.

The world got finally a better place because I wasn't in it.



Hey! I'm back with another kind of sad chapter. This was short I KNOW but I didn't have any other ideas so it's all got 😂

I don't know if Jared will actually die or not ;-;. I know you probably don't want him to die but I didn't decide yet what will happen next.

I hope you keep reading this shit!


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