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AHHHHHH I can't believe this shit has almost 800 reads!!! Thank you all for reading this!! Love you guys!!

I didn't think this would get that much of reads because I don't write well but yeah... I'm so happy!!! Thank you again!!

Anyways, enjoy this shit!

(Also, pandanekolove you helped me a lot so thank you again!! The suggestion you gave me is really great and now I feel I can continue this! ❤️)


Connor's POV

I was feeling terrible. Evan was the only reason I wanted to stay alive and he just broke up with me. I've never felt something like that before... it's like the time I tried to kill myself cutting my wrists. The pain was quite similar and I didn't understand why.

Since the school dance, all I think about is Evan. He is almost like the only thing that matters to me. The magical moment that our lips connected for the first time changed my life...

Evan was the only one who believed me, helped me, loved me... he was the first person that I truly loved and suddenly, I lost him.

I know I wasn't the best boyfriend but I wanted to be! I tried my best to change and be a better person for him but I think I failed... I guess he would try to stay by my side if I was a better boyfriend. I know about his father and all but he seemed so secure when he said those words to me that I felt like it was real.

At the moment, everything was confuse and wrong. I didn't want to live without the person I most love.

I went home desperately. I looked at the places I bought Evan sometimes through the car window and I felt even worse. My parents didn't know about him yet so the only people I could talk with were Zoe and Alana, but I trust more on my sister.

I arrived home and slammed the door behind me. My dad already yelled at me for leaving so early in the morning and said I was probably high. My mother agreed with him and asked gently if I was high but I didn't answer them.

They kept asking and pressuring me and I couldn't hold my anger anymore.

"Can you just leave me alone??!!" I yelled. Zoe looked at me with a worried face and she ran after me as I went upstairs and entered my room, locking the door.

"Con... what's wrong..?" Zoe asked sweetly as knocked on the door.

"You can tell me... you know I can help you.."

"Leave me alone..." I said. I tried to don't sound so rude because Zoe was the closest person to me at the moment and I didn't want to loose her too.

"Can you at least tell me what happened...?"

She kept asking me and pressuring me to answer her, and it was starting to get annoying.

"Evan broke up with me, ok?!!" I blurted out. I couldn't hold back my cry anymore. I unlocked the door and left her in.

"I'm so sorry bro..." she closed the door and locked it.

I kept sitting on my bed with my arm covering my face. I was sobbing uncontrollably and holding tightly our promises rings.

Zoe wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly.

"Can you tell me exactly why he broke up with you? I thought you two were fine..."

I calmed myself and explained everything to her.

"So he didn't break up with you because he wanted to. I'm sure he still loves you!"

"He told me that he loved me right after breaking up but... what he said seemed so real that... it looked like he really meant to do it...."

"I'm sure he didn't mean it Connor... he did this because of his dad."

"You just don't understand..! I'm sure he is not even going to talk to me anymore..."

"Connor, I know he didn't mean it. Evan is not like that. There's probably an explanation."

"I hope so..."

I hugged her again and she left the room. She waved at me before leaving. She smiled warmly at me and this made me feel better.

I sat on my bed as sighed.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed intensely. I stood up and practically dragged myself to pick it up. I almost dropped it when I saw "Evan 💕" on the screen.

I quickly picked up, with a knot on my throat and with my heart beating faster than ever.

"H-Hi.." I heard his cute voice again. He sounded like he had been crying.


"A-About earlier I... I-I just..."

"I know what you're going to say. You are probably happy because now you got rid of me." I really wanted to say "I love you" to him but I was really hurt because of what he said.

"Y-You know I d-didn't mean it!"

"You know how hurt I got?! You know how much I care about you?!" I yelled.

"I care about you too but I had to!"

"You DONT understand Evan. You have no idea of how hurt I got!"

We two were yelling like crazy and unfortunately, that was the worse fight we've ever had.

"You are my boyfriend, you should stay by my side!" I was almost crying at this moment.

"If I stayed by your side my dad would hurt us two!" Evan was sounding really serious. He didn't even stutter.

"I don't care! I would have protected you from him!"

"Connor I-I..."

"You just DONT understand! You broke up with me, right?! Then why don't you leave me alone?!"


I hung up before he could say anything else. I really didn't mean to get that angry at him but I couldn't contain myself.

Right after hanging up, I regretted everything I said to him. I put my phone on the bed and covered my face with both hands. My cry was unstoppable at the moment.

"Why do I have do be like that?! He tried to apologize and explain everything but I ignored him!"

At this moment, I knew exactly what to do. I would just make Evan suffer even more if I stayed alive.

"He probably hates me right now..."

I left my house with my parents yelling at me. Zoe tried to run after me but I told her to go back. She tried to convince me to stay but I pushed her away.

I went to somewhere I knew nobody couldn't find me and took a deep breath to calm down. I knew exactly what I was going to do, and anyone was going to make me stop.

Evan and ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now