My Story of Becoming a Stark

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The little girl sat on the hospital bed, balling her eyes out, after the man who up until this point had been her father, told her he never loved her and that she wasn't his daughter.

All this after her mother's death too.

He stormed out, yelling at the doctors saying, "she's not my daughter! She's not my responsibility!" And cursing a string of profanities towards Tony Stark.

Frantically, the doctors and nurses bustled around, and finally, they got a hold of Ms. Potts through the phone.

A few hours later, a helicopter landed on the hospital's helipad.

The patients' faces were in awe as Tony Stark himself came walking through the hall, to the room of the six year old girl.

*Record Scratch*

You're all probably wondering how this mess all started. Well, I suppose this all started way back before the little girl, a.k.a me was born. My mother was a well known scientist. She studied physics and engineering and all of that stuff. As a young lady, she was very excited to present some of her work at the Stark Expo.

She didn't plan on getting pregnant with me.

My mother was very drunk that night, so I don't think she even remembered the, um, incident. When she found out she was pregnant, she just assumed it was her fiance, Dave's.

They got married before I was born, and Dave had always hoped for a boy. Just a boy. Definitely not a girl. But oh well, he got a girl anyway.

Years passed, my mother continued her work that was advancing rapidly. That left me with Dave, my father, most of the time.

He tried to act like a father. He was kind to me, he played with me, he would say how much he loved me.... but deep down, it was never real. He tricked himself into thinking it was, but it wasn't.

More years passed, I was maybe five, and my mom was fully engrossed in her work. She was developing something big, something groundbreaking, something secret. It took all her attention, almost, she saved a bit for me however, her only daughter. Dave, not so much. He was jealous.

Sadly, before my mother could finish creating and present her ground-breaking work to the world, she passed away.

It was some sort of rare disease. One in a billion. Just my luck, I guess. I didn't really understand anything. I just knew my mother was gone.

My father took me to the hospital, as requested, to make sure I didn't have the same disease that killed my mother. They had to run a blood test.

The good news: I didn't have the disease
The bad news: That wasn't the only thing they discovered.

I remember hearing muffled voices from the hallway. Something along the lines of;

'It's not a mistake, Mr. Williams! We ran the test seven times'

'Well run it again!'

Running the test again and again didn't change the outcome. One thing was for certain, I had Tony Stark's DNA running through my veins.

And no DNA from Dave Williams.

He was furious, to say the least. He stormed into my room. He yelled as if I was the one to blame. Screaming how he never wanted a daughter and how he never loved me, and how I wasn't his daughter.

I cried. I cried so hard. He was the one family member I had left. I lost both my parents in the same week.

He stormed out of the hospital, cursing the entire way.

He disowned me.
I was abandoned.

I had nowhere to go.

The doctors called Pepper Potts. Tony Stark's assistant. Sure enough, this was something that caught his attention. He came in, and the doctors showed him all the tests they ran on my blood, and he proceeded to run his own.

Meanwhile, I was in the room, still sniffling, but I knew I had to be strong. For my mum. I poked around the room and found a few items around. Some Popsicle sticks, pins, and such. I started fidgeting around with them, and managed to create a fully functioning catapult with great aim. I launched a spare pin, and it landed with its needle side stuck right in the middle of a poster about ticks, piercing the tick in the center.

"Nice work, kid."

I turned to see Tony Stark standing in the doorway. The man who was Iron Man was right there in front of me. But instead of being in awe, I just sat there. My eyes puffy. All I knew was that this is the man my dad, Dave, was mad at.

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, "look, kid..." but then he looked into my eyes and his expression immediately softened. He crouched down to my level, " turns out...I'm your dad." His eyes locked onto mine from under his orange sunglasses.

"No, you're not. My daddy just left. He was yelling at me. He said bad words about you."

"I bet. But look, that wasn't your real dad... he just thought he was. "

"He...he said I wasn't his daughter...he said he never loved me." Tears started forming in my eyes again.

I have never seen Tony Stark look so heart broken other than that moment. "Don't worry, sweetheart, I'm going to be taking care of you now. You're going to be coming to live with me. Is that okay? You wanna come see my house?"

People can say what they want about Tony Stark, but he is a good person, with a big heart.

I rubbed my puffy eye, "okay..."


Tony Stark's house was huge.

Like super huge.
Like suuuuuuuuper huge.

"Whoa..." For a moment, I forgot my sadness and ran around the place like the little kid I was.

The house was like something out of a dream, "I really get to live here?"


My smile faded as I noticed the unique architecture like my mom taught me. "Mommy would have loved this place..."

Tony Stark was about to come over and comfort me when a blonde lady walked into the room. She looked at me and smiled at me. Her smile disappeared when she turned to face Tony. "So it's true?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.

Tony rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "yes...but she's like what five now? How old are you kid?"

I showed him on my fingers.

"Six! Even better! That was a long time ago, Pepper...."

Pepper Potts took a deep breath, "oh well, the past is the past, but we will talk about this later, Tony."

Her and Tony led me to a massive room, twice the size of my parent's master bedroom, and theirs was quite a bit above standard. The room had a queen sized bed, a flat screen T.V. a few dressers, a huge walk-in closet, a ginormous bathroom, and way to much stuff to count on my little fingers.

"Is this your room, Mr. Stark?" I asked him, my head tilting back to look at him.

They chuckled and Pepper left the room, but not before placing her hand on Tony's shoulder and whispering something.

He turned back to me, "this one is all yours, kid. Anything you would like?"

My little eyes sparkled, "Really!?! Can we paint the walls pink??"

He laughed, "sure."

Tony Stark made his way towards the door. He paused in the doorway, "Hey kid?"

I look back at him, "yes, Mr. Stark?"

"You can call me dad."

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