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(Stark's P.O.V.) (Y/n)

I am, without a doubt, the biggest idiot on planet Earth.

The entire time, I've been telling myself not to try to figure out his identity. Don't do it, (Y/n). If he wanted you to know he would tell you. So I didn't try to figure it out. The one time I actually had self-control. Maybe if I had tried to figure it out, I would've seen that my best friend is Spider-Man.

Peter Parker is Spider-Man.

It just seems so obvious now. I should have known.

~"So, you must be the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man I've heard so much about."
He jumps down from the window sill. "Yup, that's me. Guess you didn't need my help after all."
"I can handle myself. How'd you know to come here?"
The white eyes on his suit widen, "I, uh, I, a boy told me. He said he was in this class and that one of his friends was still inside."
"Yeah! That was his name."~

~"So, um, what'd you think of Spider-Man? Was he awesome?"
I sigh, "I think he's pretty cool and noble for doing those things, but Peter, I have a question. What did you think when I tried to single-handedly take on the man with the gun? Did you think it was brave? Or stupid?"
Peter rubbed the back of his neck, "both, I guess."
"Exactly, the same goes for Spider-Man. Peter, it's noble and brave that he does all those nice things for people, but honestly, it's also kind of stupid. He could get himself killed."
"But he has super powers."
"But he's just a kid! He's just a kid, Peter! And people expect him to go out and fight their battles for them! They expect him to put his life in danger, every day! He can't be that much older than us, Peter! It honestly makes me sick."
Peter stands there for a second, processing, then he looks down at his shoes, "with great power comes great responsibility."~

Peter and Happy lock eyes. Both of them looking very surprised.
I raise my eyebrow, "you know him?"
Peter presses his lips together, "well, um, yeah. Everybody knows who Tony Stark's driver is! Um, how do you two know each other?"
"Well, he, um, he kinda grew up with my uncle. Yeah. And then he, uh, met my dad in University, so, um, our families have been kind of, um, close. My uncle's kinda dead now though, but, um, my dad wasn't able to pick me up, so, um, he sent Happy! You sounded like you knew him more personally. Have you met before?" I say while making wild hand gestures and ignoring Happy's muffled laughter.

~After making sure Peter gets inside okay, we pull away and start driving back to my house.
"Okay, how do you really know him?" I ask flatly.
"What are you talking about?" Happy briefly looks in the rear view mirror to look at me.
"How do you know Peter?"
"What do you mean?"
I sigh, "Happy...neither of us told you where he lived."
"Okay, well, the kid had a Stark internship, and I had to drive him home a few times."
"Wait, a Stark internship? With my dad?"~

~"And another guy." I take a sip of my Coke, "Peter Parker."
My dad freezes.
"Do you know him?" I ask, practically pouring innocence into my voice.
"Uh, no. I don't think so."
"Hmm." I set my Coke down. "Funny. Happy said he had a Stark internship."
"Did he? Well, I can't keep track of every internship at Stark Industries."
"Hmm. Oh well." I shrug, hiding my smirk. "Still, if Happy had to drive him home before, you would've at least had to have met him once. Right?"~

~"Thursday." I say into my vast room.
"Scan all files available for Peter Parker."
I twirl a random stray curl as I wait for Thursday.
"File detected."
"Perfect. From where?"
"Avengers Tower, S.H.I.E.L.D. files."
My brows furrow, "wait, what?"
"Avengers Tower, S.H.I.E.L.D. files."
I rub the bridge of my nose, "okay, read it to me."
"What do you mean 'classified'? What could be so important that it's classified?"
"I'm unaware."~

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