Christmas Eve Party

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(A/n: Today is August 10th! (2019) Peter's birthday! What better way to celebrate than a 5000+ word update? Anyway, this is it. The chapter you've been waiting for. I hope you enjoy. P.S. brace yourself for multiple P.O.V. changes.)

I bounce my leg up and down as I get closer and closer to Peter's house. I didn't trust taking the subway with all the gifts I'm carrying, so I took a taxi instead.

The day is finally here.

Christmas Eve.

Lately, all my family has been doing is discussing ways to keep me safe, and discussing my dad's plan, which he has yet to tell me about. As much as I love my family, and as grateful I am of them protecting me, I really need this breather away from the constant threat. I really need to relax and forget about the sword hanging over my head. 

And I always seem to relax around Peter.

I glance at the red wrapped present on the seat beside me. I really had no clue what to get him, and I really hope he likes it anyways.

I mean, I don't know why he wouldn't like it. It's not like it's anything he doesn't like...

Unless he already has it...

You idiot! You should have checked to make sure he doesn't already have it.

I let out a sigh, resting my fidgeting hands in my lap. It's too late to go back now.

"Nervous?" The taxi driver asks, looking back at me from the rear-view mirror with her eyebrow raised. "Meeting your boyfriend's family for the first time?"

"I've already met them," I say. "I'm just worried he won't like my gift..."

I think about what she said again. "He's not my boyfriend though!"

She winks at me. "Sounds like there should be a 'yet' in that sentence somewhere."

I blush and look at my hands. "Why does everyone keep saying stuff like that..."

She laughs. "Well, I haven't even met him, and I can already tell. I can hardly imagine what it's like for the people who actually know the two of you."

I look back at the presents, not answering. But I can't help but wonder if maybe everyone saying that has a point.

We pull up in front of Peter's apartment and I step out into the snow. I curse under my breath as I struggle to balance all of the presents on top of each other in my arms.

"Need a hand?" My taxi driver, Charlene, asks as I pay her.

"Nah, I'll be fine. Thanks though."

"No problem. Have a fun night, kid. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas."

I walk slowly into the apartment as the presents wobble in my arms. I manage to find the elevator and select the right floor, despite the presents blocking my face.

I am so glad I'm already familiar with the layout of this place.

I kick the door of the Parkers' apartment as a way of knocking, since my hands are full.

I hear the door open, but I can't tell who opened it because of the presents blocking my face. "Trick or treat," I say jokingly.

I hear a familiar chuckle. "May! The Easter Bunny is here!" The voice--Peter--calls to his aunt.

"You guys need to sort out your holidays," I hear Ned say from somewhere in their home.

Peter takes the top few presents from my hands and helps me carry them inside.

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