Voltage (Part 3)

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"Thursday, please bring up blueprints for the Iron Man suit, the Iron-Spider suit, and the Nano-tech please." 

After finally ending the paint war yesterday with a merciful truce (and by merciful truce I mean Peter and I ran out of paint in the one can and only had one left to finish painting with, so we had to stop), we finished painting the room with the blue-grey colour, my bedroom with the purple, and the kitchen with silver.

She brings up the blueprints holographically and I flip through them, writing in my workbook as I do so. I also write the information I collected on the napkin up on to the workbook as well, making it more neat and more easily understandable.

I return to the sketch of the suit in my workbook and begin adding more details to it.

I get fully lost in my work, trying to plan out every detail in the sketch, and then I start to create the holographic blueprint.


I quickly hide the suit design and all the other holograms as my dad walks into my room. "'Sup?"

"What are you doing in your pyjamas?! Your school starts in ten minutes!"

My eyes widen as I suddenly scramble to my alarm clock to check the time. "Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!"

"Hurry up!" My dad walks out of my room, leaving me to change.

I run over to my closet and fling aside the clothes, looking for something to wear.

I grab out a random old T-shirt, probably one that I stole from my dad or Rhodey because it was not my size, and some old jeans. After throwing those on, I scramble downstairs, flying past my family and whipping on my coat. "Seeyoulaterloveyoubye!"

"Love you too! Happy is waiting in the car!"

I shove on my boots and dash to the car to see that it was already started and about to pull out. Happy barely waits for me to shut the car door behind me before he speeds off to Queens.

"You are going to be so late."

"I know."

"I hope you didn't make your friends stand out in the cold waiting for you again."

".....Sh*t." I pull out my phone and quickly text Peter to head in without me.


(Peter's P.O.V.)

I pull my phone out of my coat as I feel it vibrate.

*(Y/n)*: Hey, I'm running really late today. Just head in without me.

Late? Why is she late?

Me: Everything ok?

*(Y/n)*: Yeah, lol, just lost track of time.

*(Y/n)*: See you at lunch

Me: k

I tuck my phone back into my pocket and turn to MJ and Ned. "(Y/n) is running late. She said to head in without her.

"Late?" Ned asks, "why is she late?"

"She 'just lost track of time'," I quote.

"Typical," MJ shrugs. "I bet you anything she was working on that mysterious invention she won't tell us anything about."

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