Memory Lane

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We take our usual spots beside each other. Finally, after waiting a few minutes and chatting absentmindedly amongst ourselves, the bell rings. Our teacher begins teaching the lesson, but I find myself getting lost in my thoughts.

Just because I have a crush on (Y/n), doesn't mean anything has to change.

The more I think about it, I realize that I've always kinda had a crush on (Y/n). Our early memories start flooding to me.

~She's really pretty. I mean really pretty. But it's like she doesn't care. Cliche, I know, but still. Her hair was in a wild bun, and her shirt was a comfy loose fit. Her eyes seemed to sparkle when we started talking about science, and I actually thought the entire room could hear my heartbeat.~

~I look up and she smiles at me. A billion dollar smile. The moment feels like time is paused.~

~"That's cool. So, um, what'd you think of Spider-Man? Was he awesome?"~

~ "Peter...I was just getting the door for you."
"Oh." I pull back quickly, red faced. She giggles softly and pulls me into a quick hug. It lasted maybe a second.~

~ I step outside with a grin on my face. "Thanks for the ride. See you tomorrow." ~

~"Well, you are a pretty face," I say, my face tainted with pink, "but I'm sure you know a lot."

Her face starts to heat up too. ~

~She snaps, "yeah, you're right. Don't worry, Peter, he's probably just calling you that because he's such a d*ck himself, except he just doesn't have any balls."
Flash stands there for a minute in silence, processing what she just said. I do as well, but I do it with a small smile on my face.~

~"Hey, you don't look so good..." I say as I place my gloved hand on her open shoulder.
Wait, open shoulder?

I quickly retract my hand, not wanting to invade her space. Good thing my mask covers my blush.~

~"Who is that girl? What were you two doing out so late?" May asks.

"That's (Y/n) Johnson."
"That pretty girl you mentioned from school?" She starts to smile.

I feel my face heat up, "...yes."

She giggles, "okay...what were you two doing out so late?" She asks while smirking.
"May!" I whisper-yell.~

~(Y/n) walks out of Aunt May's bedroom in the pajamas. The burgundy plaid pajama pants are a bit loose on her, so she uses the draw strings to tightly close them around her hips. She also wears a loose grey pajama shirt that shoves the slightest bit of her stomach when she moves a certain way. Her feet are bear, and she's holding her wedges in her hands, along with the rest of her wet party clothes. Her hair is still wet, but she dried most of it off with a towel.

Somehow she makes even old pajamas look good.~

~"(Y/n)...did I do something?"
"What?" Her head pops up and stares at me, "what gives you that idea?"
" didn't sound so happy when you said my name."

"...oh. Oh. No, Peter. It isn't anything you did. Not at all. Oh god, Peter, you're being so nice to me I honestly couldn't have asked for a better friend right now. You have no clue how much I need a little breathing room from my dad. It's just, oh goodness, we're both such stubborn, strong headed people who do not back down. And when you fight fire with just makes the fire spread. It just makes it worse. Still...we don't usually fight. I don''s just... You didn't do anything wrong, Peter, you're perfect. Honestly, just...thank you."~

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