Prototype: Take Two

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"In my defense, I was left unsupervised."

I sit on the sofa in the living room, lounging in my pajamas, surrounded by a million candy wrappers.

"What in the world happened in here?!" Pepper exclaims, looking around at the mess.

"Hun? What's going--" my dad stops mid-sentence as he walks into the living room. He sighs and shakes his head.

I stick my tongue out at him.

"There is no way you ate all of this by yourself," says Pepper.

"I didn't--"

"Hey, Starkette, I found some donuts in Cap's room. They aren't candy, and they're decorated in red, white and blue sprinkles, but--" Clint stops as he walks into the room and sees my dad and Pepper.

"Um..."he trails off. "Anyone want donuts?"

Pepper rolls her eyes and walks away, but my dad takes one before he follows.

Clint plops down beside me on the sofa, and I take a donut. We laugh before hearing voices in the hall.

Morning," we hear Steve say.

"Rogers," says my dad.

"Stark." Steve replies. "Is that the last donut with red, white, and blue sprinkles?"

Clint hides the box of donuts behind a pillow. I lean into his shoulder to muffle my laughter.

He turns on the T.V. to drown them out. "Hey Clint, pass me another donut."

He hands one to me from behind the pillow.

"It's probably not best to give her any more sugar," Nat says, smirking as she leans against the door frame.

"Don't worry so much Nat," Clint waves her off.

"Pepper is going to kill you."

"I can handle myself, Nat," Clint says, rolling his eyes.

Natasha raises her eyebrow and looks at me.

"Don't worry, I'll protect him." I say.


"Well, I should probably get to work," I say, pushing myself off the sofa. "I haven't worked on my project for a while."

"You mean the project that gave you a concussion?" Clint smirks.

I roll my eyes, "yes, but it's going to work this time."

"How do you know that?" Natasha asks.

I shrug. "I have hope and perseverance. That combination can get you a lot of things."

"Like becoming an Avenger," Clint suggests.

I start to smile.

"No." Natasha stops us. "No, no, no. Absolutely not. Forget Pepper, Tony would straight up murder you without hesitation."

"Come on, Nat. I'm 15 years old! I'm so sick of you guys treating me like a kid all the time!" I whine.

"You are a kid!"

"I'm practically an adult! I have been taught by the smartest men alive for 9 years! I have learned advanced combat, from you, at an assassin level, I can think on my feet, have been in plenty dangerous situations and solved them, and I have lived with superheroes basically my entire life! I want to be one too!"

"No. End of discussion."

My eyebrows furrow and Clint sends me a sympathetic smile. I stomp off to my room.

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