I Should Have Known

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(Peter's P.O.V.)

I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

My knee bounces up and down as I stare out the window. A hurricane of emotions hurtles through me, causing me to feel nauseous.









But mostly fear.

I've kept my identity hidden for so long. The only people that know either found out on their own or accidentally, and here I am, about to willingly reveal my identity to a complete stranger.

When Ned found out, after all of the fear and panic it caused, it felt like a huge burden was lifted off of my shoulders. I didn't have to hide and pretend around him anymore. Same with May. But those are two people who are very close to me and who I love, not just some stranger. 

But then again, it's Mr. Stark's daughter. He's always been there for me, and now he needs some help. If he says I can trust her, I believe him.


I'm doing this to protect her.

I'm doing this to protect her.

I'm doing this to protect her.

Revealing myself to a stranger is honestly the last thing I want to do right now. Just the mere thought of it has that hurricane of emotions stirring rapidly,  with anxiety practically running through my veins. But, I'm doing this to protect her. If I reveal my identity, but I'm protecting someone by doing it, then it's worth it, right?

My mind agrees, but the emotion hurricane doesn't cease.

"Are you alright back there?" Happy asks from the driver's seat.

"Just nervous..." I mumble, looking down.

"Yeah, I get that. But listen, I know that you're nervous now, but I have a feeling that this will solve a lot of problems. For both of you. Just trust me." I make eye-contact with him through the rear-view mirror and he winks.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You'll see."

The car ride is silent for the next two minutes.

"Remind me again why I have to wear my suit?" I ask, focusing on my gloved hand. Mr. Stark let me know in advance to wear my suit, but I didn't know why. "Why bother if I'm revealing myself anyway?"

"Because Tony has a flair for dramatics," he answers simply, smiling.

My eyebrows furrow as I start to fiddle with my mask in my hands.

The hurricane is almost unbearable by the time we pull up to the Avengers Compound. I pull my mask over my head as Happy parks the car, but I can't bring myself to move any further. I have to force myself to get out of the car when Happy opens the door for me.

"Everything will be fine, kid," he says, walking beside me up to the outdoor platform. "Just relax, it'll be fine. Tony wouldn't have asked you to do this if he thought it would cause a problem."

I nod at what he's saying, trying to settle my nerves. I barely hear what he says next, but I catch one sentence. 

"It'll all make sense soon."

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