Avenger In Training

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I continue to sprint forwards as fast as I can, ignoring the stitch in my side.

The man chasing me starts to gain on me and I run faster, despite the burning sensation in my legs and lungs.

As the man chasing me continues to gain more and more ground, I continue to run until seeing my first obstacle.

Running up, I vault over the three foot high wall and continue running. I continue to sprint, as does the man behind me, until arriving at the cargo net. It swings back and forth as I climb, considerably slowing me down, which gives him much time to catch up. He climbs up after me, with much more agility, and shakes the net even more. 

I finally reach the top to find a beam about one foot wide and about twenty feet long that is positioned from the top of the cargo net to the roof of the Avengers Facility.

Having no time to hesitate, seeing as he is gaining on me fast, I start carefully walking across the bean as fast as I can. With it being too skinny to risk losing my footing and falling twenty feet to the pavement by running, I do my best with speed walking, placing one foot in front of the other.

The man chasing me, however, is no stranger to agility. He effortlessly runs across the beam, and just as I finally reach the roof, he is only five feet behind me.

"No where left to run!" He shouts from behind me.

Not stopping, I look around with panic, realizing he might be right.

Time for Plan B.

I spot an old rag in my path, which came from who knows where (the men that I live with never pick up their stuff), and with a swooping motion I scoop it up and continue running.

The man is now only four feet behind me.

I fumble with the rag in my hands, and look around desperately, for some sort of way to use it. I stumble, but continue running.

The man is now only three feet away and I'm running out of roof.

I look towards the one electrical wire that leads from the roof to a spot only a little bit off the ground.

The man speeds up, and is now only two feet behind me. In grabbing distance.

Please work, please work, please work.

Finally reaching the edge of the roof, I take a leap of faith and jump off it.

I jump off buildings a lot, don't I?

Mid-jump, I swing the rag over the wire and hold on to each side, using it as a zip line as I glide down to the end of the wire.

I glide down to the base, preparing to gracefully dismount.

Let's just say gracefully may not be the best word.

Landing weirdly on my foot as I dismount, I topple over, barely having time to put my hands out in front of me to protect my face before hitting the ground.

"Get up," Clint says.

I groan, as he tags me in the shoulder.

"How'd you get down here so fast anyway?" I ask.

He gestures behind him and I look to see he shot himself his own zip-line with his bow and arrows.

Rolling my eyes, I rub my scratched hands on my pants. "Using your gear is cheating!"

"No it isn't."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever. Can we be done now?"

"We can," he smirked, "if you can bring me back my arrow."

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