Wing-Womaning, Crush Teasing, and a Whole Lot of Eye Rolling

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(Stark's P.O.V.)

The internet blew up with news about Queen's newest superhero.

I scroll through the feed after searching up 'Voltage' to see what would pop up.

The answer: a lot.

I scroll through the wildest theories, from 'Voltage is actually an alien from outer space!!!' to 'Voltage: Spider-Man's new girlfriend???' to even 'Voltage: Iron Man and Thor's secret love child?'

I snort out loud in the living room as I read the last one, not being able to keep in my laughter anymore.

"What's so funny?" My dad asks, looking over to me from the kitchen.

"Did you know you apparently have a secret love child with Thor?" I ask him. "Here I was, thinking I was the only secret child you had."

My dad sighs, "is this about that Voltage girl?"


"You didn't happen to see her in action while you were out, (Y/n), did you?" Natasha asks me, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

I shake my head. "Nah, MJ and I headed back to her place pretty quickly. She did want to watch the news though, so I did see what happened."

Not a complete lie. MJ did text me later, saying she watched the news and saw the new superhero, and I did see what happened.

"She's all over the internet," Natasha continues. "She looks pretty powerful, maybe we should let her join the Avengers." She waits for my reaction.

Nat, come on. Do you really think I'm going to reveal myself so easily? You're the one who taught me how to do these mind games, I'm not falling for them.

I roll my eyes. "Sure, you'll let a complete stranger join, but you won't let me."

"That's different, and you know it," my dad says.

"Besides, she has powers. She's a real superhero," Natasha says, still trying to get a reaction out of me.

I roll my eyes again. "Whatever."

I stand up and start to head back to my room, when Natasha calls, "where are you going?"

"My room," I say, "I have school in 20 minutes, remember? I still have to get dressed." I gesture towards my pyjamas which I'm still wearing.


I roll my eyes at her again. Ever since she caught Clint and I training, she's been suspicious of me and everything I'm doing, and she's become even more suspicious since Voltage made her first public appearance.

"I wasn't aware I needed your permission," I mumble as I continue to my room.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," I say, not bothering to turn around, but I have a feeling she heard me the first time.

I walk into my closet, pulling out a grey hoodie that's too big for me and black ripped jeans, trying to look inconspicuous. I smile as I see Peter's shirt tucked in a corner. Both him and I know he's never getting that shirt back.

I walk back out of my room after I'm completely ready, to find my dad in the living room....

......along with Natasha who's still looking at me suspiciously, waiting to find the slightest bit of evidence to prove that I'm doing what she thinks I'm doing, so she can shut it down.

I bite back a groan as I ignore her and head towards my dad.

"By the way, I'm gonna be late coming home today." I say, remembering the promise I made to Spider-Boy.

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