Voltage (Part 4)

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All the notes are done.

All the designing is done.

All the planning is done.

Now all that is left to do is build.





The word echoes in my mind as I pull out my notes from this morning.

It feels weightless, as if I'm dreaming, because there's no way this could actually be happening. I've been waiting so long and I've been so anxious to get this done.

And it's finally happening.

After all the planning, all the designing, all the research, all the secrets. It's finally happening.

Using the same technology as my weapon bracelet, which is based off of one on my dad's watches that changes into the hand part of his suit, I begin to construct my own suit.


"Yes, Thursday?" I say while looking between my notes and the project.

"If you're going to become a superhero--"

"Which you are not telling my dad about." I cut her off.

"Which I am not telling your dad about--"

"Nor any of the Avengers." I interrupt again.

"Nor any of the Avengers."

"Okay, continue."

"If you're going to become a superhero, shouldn't you have some sort of weapon, or something to defend yourself with?"

"Well, I do have my weapon bracelet," I point out.

"Yes, of course. But shouldn't you have some sort of... signature move or weapon? Your dad has his blast-things, Captain America has his shield, Hawkeye has his bow and arrows, Thor has his hammer (had, I know, possible plot hole, bare with me), Spider-Man has his webs, shouldn't you have something like that?"

I think over her words for a moment, before agreeing. "I guess you're right, but I was just thinking about having an energy blast, similar to my dad's."

"That would work as well."

I continue to work on the tiny wires I would be needing to sew or attach to my suit, before realizing that I actually need suit material.

"Thursday, I need you to order the material for my suit." I tell her the material. "Oh, and have bulletproof fibre sewn into it please."

"Right away, (Y/n). What colour would you like?"

I think for a moment, before smiling.

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