More Mystical Average-Kid Daily Wonders

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Guess what.

I found out my schedule changes from day to day.

Today I have gym class.

I awkwardly attempt to find my way to the gym, receiving compliments on my outfit along the way. I've got to say with credit to Pepper, it does look pretty good on me.

And it helps that Peter thinks so too.

Even so, the outfit still feels a bit uncomfortable.

I spot Peter, Ned, and Michelle.

Michelle snorts when she sees me, "what are you wearing?"

I rub my forehead with one of my hands, "don't rub it in." We both laugh.

I might not have known them for very long, but we all seem to be getting along as if they've all known me forever. And I really like it that way.

"You look fine. But lost. Where are you going?" Ned asks.

"Gym class."

"Cool. Us too. We can show you the way."

I continue my walk with them to the gym, and Michelle and I walk into the girls' change room, while Peter and Ned go into the boys'.

At least I'm able to change.

I change into the school gym clothes the office provided me with, and Michelle changes into hers.

"I hate gym class." Michelle says as we start to exit the change room, "but at least it's the last class of the day. Say, do you have a phone number?"

My eyes light up, "oh yeah! Totally. I'll give it to you after class." 

We walk into the gym and find the boys waiting for us inside. The whole class is lined up against the wall.

"Alright, listen up!" Coach Wilson addresses us, "today we'll be playing co-ed basketball! I will be choosing the teams."


Did he just say basketball?

Why? Why basketball? Why couldn't it be something easy? Like mixed-martial arts? Or jujitsu?

He starts separating us into two teams.

Fortunately, I'm with Peter.
Unfortunately we're against Ned and Michelle.

"What's wrong?" Peter asks.

"How do you play basketball?" I ask with a slight tinge of panic.

He presses his lips together and sighs, "pardon me for asking, but did you do anything in Oregon?"

"I was home-schooled!" I snap.

"Okay, okay. Basically, you have to dribble to move, and you're trying to shoot the ball in the other team's hoop." Peter briefs.

I roll my eyes, "I know for a fact there's more to it than that."

"I'm not good at explaining things!"

"Clearly!" I sigh, "whatever. I'll figure it out."

The coach blows his whistle and the game starts. Everyone moves forward, except me.

"Thursday, quickly brief me on all rules to high-school basketball."

"Right away."

She starts to brief me on the rules, and thanks to my amazing memory and incredible reflexes, I'm able to join into the game. Everybody has a person that they cover, so basically I'm just following around my person, making sure they don't get the ball.

This isn't as bad as I thought.


Oh no.

Rookie mistake.

I bet I just jinxed myself.

My team gets a hold of the ball, and starts dribbling towards the other side. 


I quickly turn just in time to get passed the basketball.

Of course. 

I look up to realize I have a clear shot of the net.

"Shoot!" One of my team mates yell.

"...Thursday..." I say with a hint of panic in my voice.

"It's only a matter of physics," she explains, "launch the ball at a 50 degree angle, using 60 percent of your power."

I do as Thursday tells me, and shoot. The ball travels in a flawless arc, and swishes into the net.

"Nicely done, Ms. Johnson." The coach compliments me.

Peter jogs with me as we jog back to our side of the court, "not bad for a girl who doesn't know how to play Basketball." 

I chuckle and playfully roll my eyes, "I told you I'd figure it out."

Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.

By the end of the day, I am sweaty, and sticky, and hot.

So are my friends.

Except for Michelle, since she kind of just stood by the side lines.

Michelle and I change in the girls' change room, while Peter and Ned change in the boys' change room.

Once we are all out, I give Michelle, Ned, and Peter my phone number, "I'll be expecting a text from all of you tonight." I tease.

They laugh.

"Of course," Peter says, "does that mean you'll be going home?"

"....yeah. I think I am." I reply.

Michelle and Ned share yet another confused glance.

I wave my hand dismissively. "I'll explain later. It's a long story."

"Are you going to get a ride from Happy?" Peter asks.

Another confused glance from Michelle and Ned.

"Another long story," I say, "and no, I want to surprise them. I'll take the train."

Peter laughs, "do you want me to come with you so you don't get lost?"

I playfully roll my eyes, "I'll be fine, Parker."

All four of us walk out of the school together.

We all go our separate ways, except for Peter and I, since he needs to take the train home as well.

We manage to find a seat, and sit down together. The seat is pretty small though, so it's a tight fit and our sides are pressed together.

We sit in another comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's presence.

Then my mind starts to wander.

"He's going to be so freaking pissed." I mutter.

Peter places a hand on my shoulder and gently squeezes it reassuringly. "You'll be okay. He's probably more thankful to have you home."

I look into his beautiful brown eyes and smile.

Wait, what?

"I'll text you later, and you can tell me how it went." He smiles.

"Alright," I say, "you better not forget."

He laughs, "I won't. How could I forget about you?"

I feel my face start to heat up.

"Anyway, I've gotta go," he says, "this is my stop." He stands up and starts to walk towards the door.

"Okay. see you later," I say. "And Peter?"


"Thank you. For everything."

He smiles, "always."

He gets off the train and I ride the rest of the way in silence.

Time to go home.

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