The Elephant in the Room

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Eventually, I manage to escape the flooding mass of reporters.

Maybe I can escape Peter's anger too.

I rush back to Mr. Delmar's and slip silently inside. Resting my forehead on the glass door, I let out a sigh of relief.

Until I hear someone angrily clear their throat from behind me.

No such luck.

"Damn it." I mumble. I take a breath and turn around with a completely fake smile on my face. "Hey, Peter! I-I didn't hear you come in--"

"One thing." He states in a monotone.

"...What?" I ask, knowing exactly what he's talking about.

"I asked you to do one thing." He states again. Same tone.

I sigh, "Peter--"

He runs over to me and embraces me in a tight hug.

"...Peter?" I ask, shocked, still not moving.

"I could've lost you. Don't you get that?" He asks, softer than a whisper.

Finally I hug him back. "But you didn't."

"But I could've." He pulls away from the hug and I notice his eyes are slightly red and his hair is messed up. "I asked you to do one thing. To stay here, so I know you'd be safe. So I know you would be protected. Why couldn't you follow that?"

"...You aren't the boss of me."

"I just wanted you to be safe." His jaw clenches.

"I know." I look down, "but you act as if I'm some fragile doll that needs to be wrapped in bubble wrap and protected at all times. I can handle myself."

Peter's gaze intensifies. "I know you can. I'm well aware of your abilities--"

"Not all of them." I mumble.



"As I was saying, I'm well aware of your abilities, with something such as a bully or hand-to-hand combat, but facing two men with weapons, guns, is something different! They could kill you before you even get a chance to get a shot in!" Peter throws his hands in the air in frustration, but I can tell he's just tense.

He's just tense, not mad.

He rubs his forehead and continues. "You're acting as if you're a superhero or something."

No sh*t Sherlock, you would think I was raised by them or something.

" I know I'm only human. But you know what I also am? Proud. I'm proud of myself. I saved that little girl's life, Peter." I look at  him, my eyes pleading for him to understand. "Like I said, I'm only human! Not all of us are bitten by radio active arachnids and have super human strength, or web slingers...some of us are just human. I'm just human but that doesn't make me useless.. I still want to help, and I will still continue to help." I take a deep breath. "I am more capable than you realize, Peter. I'm not just some damsel in distress, or a no good pretty face! I'm more than that!"  

"I know that! I-I just want to protect you." He says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"...Then why did you leave?" I ask quietly.

"...What do you mean?"

I walk closer to him. "You told me to stay here...but then you ran off going who knows where, leaving me all alone?"


I press my lips together and turn away. "I've noticed."

Peter bites his lip, "n-noticed what?"

I take another step closer to him. "I know you, Peter Parker. I know it hasn't actually been that long but it's felt like forever. I know you're hiding something. Something big." I sigh. "I see you do strange things when you think no one's watching. Mixing something in the desk drawer of chemistry, leaving early all the time. Always being busy. Having an 'extra curricular activity'?" I make air quotes. "But I've respected your secret, Peter. You're allowed to have secrets. I have my own. And I lie sometimes. But I don't like lying to you. But I also know you lie to me sometimes."

I bite my lip and look him in the eye as he stands there, completely shocked.

I sigh, "I just want you to know that you can always tell me. Anything. You can tell me anything, Peter. I won't judge, I'll help you. You'll always be my friend. I'm not going to just abandon you." I force a laugh, "and you sure as hell better not abandon me, Peter."

I pull out my phone. "I better call my dad to come get me. I have a lot of work to do."


"I'm going to call him outside. Come join me eventually." I step outside.

(Peter's P.O.V)

"Don't lose her." I jump as I hear a voice behind me. I turn to see Mr. Delmar leaning against the counter.

"Have you been here this whole time?!" My eyes widen.

Mr. Delmar laughs, "well it is my shop."

My face starts to heat up as I realize he heard the entire conversation between (Y/n) and I.

"Anyway, as I was saying," he continues, "don't lose her, Peter. She's the type of girl who's in it for the long game." He winks. "You need her as much as she needs you. Don't let that one go."  He walks up to me, places a hand on my back, and guides me to the door. "Go get her tiger."

I blush and join her outside.

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