New School

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I sit up from my hunched over position on my work desk. My tired eyes scan the dark room, as I attempt to shake last night's dream out of my head. I don't remember turning off the lights however, though it's not the first time it's happened.

"Thank you, Thursday." I groggily say into my vast, dark room.

Since I was pretty young, Thursday has been my personal AI, modeled after my father's AI, F.R.I.D.A.Y. Thursday's name isn't an acronym, I just decided to name her similar to my father's.

Thursday's system is built into the mansion, specifically my room, but with the earrings I created, I'm able to talk to her wherever I go. And with her voice in my ears, only I can hear her.

Thursday had basically become my best friend. I'm not allowed to tell anyone who my father is, because he's afraid it would put me in danger. So Thursday is my bestie, and the Avengers are my family. The staff here are pretty cool too, but there's not as many as you would expect.

"Good morning, (Y/n). How did you sleep?"

"Deeply. What was I doing again? Can you turn the lights on please?"

My bedroom lights turn on, just the right amount as not to blind me so early, revealing my vast room with it's currently painted warm grey walls.

"You were designing another blue print based off one of your mother's ideas."

Sure enough, across from me on the far end of the desk is one of my mother's old notebooks, filled with her work. Under my arm from my sleeping position is a blue sheet with a design for some sort of boots, with a bit of drool where my head was.

I wiped my mouth, "is this the reverse-gravitational pull tech? Why didn't I do a holographic blueprint?"

"Yes it is, your father had Friday disable your holographic blueprint designing software around 1:00 am. He said you needed some sleep. Do you not remember?"

"Not really, I'm wiped." I still recall fuzzy bits of my dream down memory lane of when I first met my father. They happen every now and then, but I tend to ignore them.

"Wait a minute, Thursday, what time is it?"


"What?!" I jump up, grabbing my mom's book and running over to my bookshelf. "Thursday! The shelf!"

The bookshelf began to slide to the right, revealing a safe hidden behind it. I quickly press my finger on the scanner. "Go, go, go!" I mutter. Once my finger is finished scanning, I quickly punch in the four digit code.

The safe opens, and I quickly, but carefully, place my mother's book with the rest of them, tucked beside some of her dresses. I slam the door to the safe and begin running out the door, into the hall. "Thursday, close the shelf."


"Why didn't you wake me?!"

"You looked so peaceful, besides, I thought you needed the sleep."

"I am so late! Is he already there?"

"Of course."


My crazy lion's mane mess of hair flies behind me as I book it down the hall. Still in my Hello-Kitty pajamas, (I know they're childish, but they're comfy so meh) I run to the living room to find my dad chilling out on the couch.

"Sleep well?" He asks.

"Yeah, um, sorry." I say, attempting to run a finger through my hair, then immediately regretting it.

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