Pretty Face

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I walk up the school steps in my black ripped jeans, and a blue plaid shirt. My head's completely clouded, and while lost in my thoughts, I run into someone's back.

"Oh, (Y/n), hi."

I look up to see Ned.

"Hey, Ned, what's up?"

"Nothin' much. Say, Michelle, Peter and I are meeting up at the mall after school. Wanna join us?"

I smile, guess they really do consider me their friend. "Sure. Just let me text my dad."

I scroll down in my messages until 'Iron-Dad' shows up with the goofiest photo I could find of him.

I send him a quick text saying I'll be home late and that I'll text Happy when I need him, then continue to walk with Ned into school.

"Cool sunglasses by the way." He says.

I decided to wear my dad's old orange-lensed sunglasses today. Just for a little flair. A Stark must-have. It probably wasn't the smartest plan, considering people might have seen my dad wearing them before, but hindsight's 20/20. Besides, how could anyone possibly make a connection? It's not like they even know he has a daughter.

"Thanks," I say with a shrug, as we make our way into the school.

The day breezes by quickly, until finally, it's Advanced Science.

The class where I see Peter Parker.

The class where I'm partners with Peter Parker.

Peter Parker.

Who for some reason has a file with S.H.I.E.L.D.

The teacher was explaining something I've probably already mastered, so I make it look like I'm paying attention, but my mind wanders again.

'I need to talk to you later'

I pass the note to my left, where Peter is sitting.

I get a response, '...ok...?' 

'I'll explain later, pay attention'

The rest of the class goes by slowly, but as soon as the bell rings, I practically burst out the door to my Advanced Computer Science class.

"Hey, wait up!"

I turn to see none other than Peter Parker jogging towards me. "What was that all about?" He asks.

"I told you I would explain later."

"It is later."

"Later, later."

"What does that mean?"

"It means I gotta go, Parker, I'll explain when I can, but not now. I'm about to be late for my favourite class!" Despite myself, I start hopping from foot to foot like an anxious little kid.

Peter laughs, "okay, then we'll talk 'later.' Are you coming to the mall with us?"

"Yeah, see you then!"

I practically skip my way to my next class.

I open the door and take in the view of the class. There are five rows of  long table-desks. Ten desks all together, (five on the left, five on the right) with an isle to walk through in the middle. On each desk, there are three computers. Not anywhere near as high-tech as anything I would usually have access to, but I suppose they could be worse.

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