Car 'Accident'

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Both Spider-Man and I jump to our feet, looking for the source of the sound.

"There!" He points to smoke rising a few blocks away.

"Well, let's go then!" I jump off the building, switching my gravitational pull towards the direction of the car crash.


As soon as we land on the ground, we immediately run over to the car to help the people stuck inside out.

"Stay back!" I yell to the crowd of civilians who clustered together to get a closer look. "We don't want anyone else getting hurt!"

I run over to help Spider-Man with the civilians trapped.

The entire front of the car had smashed into the building, bricks and debris scattered across the destroyed hood and roof. The airbag has gone off inside, and I can't tell if the driver was alright. Or if they are unconscious. Or if they are....worse.

I'm not afraid of death. I dealt with it all the time growing up, and I'm used to it. It took me a while to realize what I'm truly afraid of.

I'm afraid of dying in vain.

And I'm afraid of people dying around me when I know there is something I can do to save them.

I will not let these people die.

"The door is stuck! I can't get the window open without breaking it!" Spider-Man yells.

"Leave that to me!" I yell back. "You take care of putting out the fire!"

Activating something else on my weapon bracelet, a small laser, about the size of a stylist you would use for a phone, I point it at the window and trace it along the edge. When I'm done, the window falls out towards me, shattering against the ground.

The metal around the edges quickly cools, so it's safe to get the civilians out.

I'm not prepared for who I see.

"Melissa?" I ask, barely above a whisper.

The little girl in front of me, same red curly hair and pigtails as before, looks up to me with teary eyes. The same little girl I helped saved before, a couple months ago.

"Hi sweetie," I say. "I'm here to help you out. Can you give me your hands?"

She nods and holds her arms up. I grab her by her armpits and carefully pull her out of the window, placing her down where there wasn't any glass. "I need you to stay here, okay?"

She nods again, still shaken up. She stares at me in awe. "I know you."

"You must've seen me on T.V." I reply.

I turn back towards the car and stick my head in the window frame. "Miss, can you hear me?"

Melissa's mom, with the same red curly hair, stays motionless, face planting in the airbag.

Oh my God, she's gonna suffocate herself.

Deciding that the window wasn't going to work, I run over to the door of the shotgun seat, since the driver's side was completely wrecked. I pull at the door but it doesn't budge.

"Web-Head! I need help over here!"

Spider-Man runs over and yanks the door handle hard, pulling out the entire side door off its hinges.

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