Absence And Jealousy

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(Peter's P.O.V.)

(Y/n) is running late.

I stand at the entrance with MJ and Ned, tapping my foot impatiently. 

"Where could she be?" I turn to Michelle and Ned, who are burying themselves in their sweaters as the wind blusters around us. Of course, MJ is just in her usual thin beige sweater, so really, it's her own fault for being cold. Ned and I were smart enough to wear warm sweaters.

"I don't know dude, but could we maybe wait inside? It's freezing." Ned asks.

"She'll be here. Just wait." I bite my lip and continue to scan the crowd.

"Oh my gosh, Peter! Just call her!" MJ snaps.

My eyes widen and I look down sheepishly. "...Right."

I pull out my phone and scroll until the contact '*(Y/n)*' comes up. I smile and click the call button. I hold the phone up to my frozen ear.

Michelle groans as it continues to ring, and I bite my lip.


"Hey, (Y/n), where are you? You're late--"

["Sorry, I'm not actually here, but I got you, didn't I? Lol, sorry, but since you have my number, you're either my friend or family, so you'll get over it. Anyway, sorry I can't come to the phone right now, I'm probably busy. If it;'s important, leave a message after the beep!"]

I sigh, and leave a message, "(Y/n), you're late. You're never late. You could've just sent a text you know? It's freezing out here. Why aren't you responding? It's really not like you. Call me back later. It's Peter by the way. Parker."

I turn to MJ and Ned, "c'mon, let's head inside. We're gonna be late if we wait any longer."

"She didn't pick up?" Ned asks. I shake my head. "That's weird. You don't think something's happened to her, do you?"

The thought hadn't even occurred to me.

Oh god.


What if something did happen to her?!

For Pete's sake, she took on a man with a gun on the first day of school!

She tried to stop an armed kidnapping just the other day!

I'm not there to help her this time!

Oh no...

"Ned, why would you say that? You idiot, Peter looks like he's about to have a heart attack." Michelle scolds him.

"Jeez, sorry. I didn't think he'd panic this much." Ned defends.

I shake my head. "You don't know her too well, clearly. You don't know half the stupid, ambitious stuff she's done. God, I've seen her get into a situation that almost got her killed. Twice!"

Ned's eyebrows widen and MJ sighs.

"I'm sure she's fine, Peter. We have to get to class. She probably just slept in late. Don't assume the worst." MJ pushes Ned and I towards the door.


It's lunch.

(Y/n) still hasn't shown up.

I've sent her, 107 text messages, and I've called her 15 times.

I slam my bag down on the table in frustration. "Where is she?!"

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