Revealed (Part 1)

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"It means that this was no accident."



Click, click, click.

Click, click, click, click, click, click.

I click my pen repeatedly as my class continues to drag on, my mind somewhere completely else.

Why would someone try to kill Melissa and her mom?

It wasn't making any sense. Melissa and her mom were completely normal people, just going about their normal business. Why would someone try to kill them? Was the person, whoever they are, just targeting people randomly?

Then I realize; this isn't the first time something bad has happened to Melissa and her mother.

That incident a few months ago, when the armed men tried to kidnap Melissa.

Just a coincidence maybe?

No, in all of my experience, there is no such thing as coincidence.

There has to be a connection.

But why Melissa? Surely there's nothing they could want from a little girl, is there?

Maybe they were trying to force Melissa's mom into doing something by kidnapping her daughter?

It just doesn't add up.

I anxiously stare at the clock as I wait for my final period. As soon as gym class is over, I can go meet with Spider-Boy and we can figure this whole mess out.

But I have to make it through the day first.

Click, click, click, click, click.

Finally, the bell rings.

Rushing, I pack up my things into my bag. Slipping it over my shoulder, I speed walk to the door and down the hall.

I'm so completely out of it, that I'm not paying attention to what I'm doing, and I end up completely running into someone's back.

"Easy there, (Y/n). You okay?"

I look up into Peter's brown eyes and grin. "Oh good, it's just you."

He raises his eyebrows and tries to look offended, but fails as a small chuckle escapes his lips. "What do you mean 'just me'? Am I not important enough for you anymore, Miss Bad-ass Inventor Queen?"

"You forgot the extraordinaire," I tease. Then I genuinely smile. "You'll always be important to me, Peter."

He grins back at me and blushes faintly. "Shall we head off to gym then?" He asks, with an attempted British accent.

I laugh and say with my own British accent, "we shall."

We walk to gym together, running into MJ and Ned along the way.

"Only twenty-four days until Christmas!" Ned chirps excitedly. (Sorry if you don't celebrate Christmas, it's just a thing I'm doing in later chapters and for the sake of the story. Sorry)

"Only twenty-three days children have to wait for a fat man in a red suit to break into their homes and eat their food," MJ comments.

Peter and Ned look at her with a 'wtf' expression as I laugh.

"May's holding a Christmas party again. You guys should come." Peter says.

"A party?" I repeat.

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