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"Hey pops." I call as I walk back in.

"Hey?" He calls back as I walk straight past him.

"I've got work to do." I state, continuing to make my way to my mini lab in my room.

"Okay? Now?"

"I've been putting it off long enough, gotta get it done." I shrug. I open my bedroom door and step in halfway. "No spying." I close the door behind me.

I walk over to my bookshelf.

"Are you finally going to work on it?" Thursday's voice echos into my room.

I sigh, "yeah. I've been putting it off for way too long."

"You've just been spending time with your friends. That's a good thing. It's nice seeing you hanging out with people your age."

"Thanks, Thursday."

The shelf slides open. I press my finger to the scanner and punch in the four digit code.

Reaching aside, my hand brushes against my favourite one of my mother's dresses as I reach to grab her work books, along with my own.

I open my workbook to a simple sketch of a pair of metal boots and a belt. Surrounding this sketch are of my random, gibberish notes that only I can understand.

"Thursday, please pull up the holographic blueprint--"

"On it."

The blue holographic light shines on my face, as I tilt my head, studying my notes. I make a hand motion, dragging my work behind me, as I walk over to my work table. I start to pull out the materials that I need.

I pull a welding mask over my face, and begin to work.


"I DID IT!!!" I exclaim, dancing around.

"Congratulations. But how do you know it will work?" Thursday asks.

I pause mid-step. "Well....technically I don't...not a hundred percent at least...but's just a prototype, okay?!"

"Okay, okay, calm down. How do you plan to test it."

"Jumping off the roof." I shrug.

"I highly advise against that."

"C'mon Thursday, sometimes you gotta run before you can walk."

"What would your father say?"

"About what? Stealing his line, or jumping off the roof?"


I grimace. "Okay fine. I'll test it in here first." I groan.

I pull on the two silver metal boots, and slip on the belt over my hips.

Attached to the belt is a cord that attaches to a tablet.

I breath out a shaggy breath. "Okay...if I got this right, if I swipe, it will change my gravitational to that direction."

"If you got it right."

"Thanks for that motivational encouragement, Thursday." I take a deep breath in. " it goes."

Starting at the one side of my room, I break out into a full sprint at the wall on the opposite side of the room. I jump, then at last minute, I swipe the tiny tablet to face the direction of the wall.

It doesn't work and my head crashes into the wall.

"Mild concussion detected."

"Yeah, I think I detected that too..." I groan, clutching my head.

My ears are ringing as I can hardly hear myself speak. My head feels as though someone is trying to break out from the inside with a sledge hammer. My vision starts to sway around as little blurry visions of 'stars' start to circle me. I understand why that's a thing...

"I think I'm gonna through up..." I whisper.

There's a knock on the door, before I hear someone step inside. "(Y/n)? Sweetie? I heard a crash-- OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?"

I see his blurry face standing over me, before everything fades to black.


My eyes flicker open to meet a bright light shining in my face. I squint.

"She's waking up!" I turn to see Steve nudging my dad in the shoulder.

My dad's head snaps up to face me, and immediately he stands up and heads over to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I open my mouth to answer, before immediately turning to lean over the side of my bed to puke.

Natasha holds my hair back as I continue to barf my insides into the waste bin.

"You have a mild concussion." Clint explains.

"Gee, figure that out by yourself?" I snap sarcastically.

"Easy there girl," my dad teases. "How'd that happen anyway? I just heard a crash."

"I ran face first into a wall." I shrug.


I wipe my mouth and slowly sit up as Natasha rubs circles on my back.

"Well, I was testing something, and I ran into a wall." I shrug, "it's better than jumping off a roof."

"I told you so," Thursday says.

"You were going to jump off a roof?"

"Well, yeah, but I didn't."

Everyone stays silent for a bit, before Clint pipes up. "Sometimes, you manage to convince me you're a psychopath."

"I prefer creative." I grin, laying down.

"Alright, you're on bed rest," my dad decides. "And you're missing school tomorrow."

"What?!" I bolt up in bed. Instantly,  my vision spins and my head begins to throb. I rub my temples. "Bad idea, bad idea," I mumble.

"You obviously can not go to school tomorrow! Look at you!" My dad crosses his arms.

"I'm fine--" I prove my point excellently by throwing up in the waste bin again.

"Yeah, I can tell." He rolls his eyes.

Together, the Avengers stand up up and exit, chuckling as they do so.

"We'll come check on you later," my dad says as he turns the lights off. "Oh, and Pepper is swinging by later too."

I sigh. "Fine. Whatever. Can I have my phone?"

"Nope. It'll hurt your eyes."


"No." He shuts the door behind him, and I sink into my pillows.

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