Family Reunion.

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I barely step into the door before all the Avengers in the room jump up and run towards me.

"Thank God you're okay." Bruce.
"Where have you been?" Steve.
"We were worried sick!" Natasha.
"Is that a skirt?" Clint.

I manage a small weak laugh, "hey, guys. I-I'm sorry. I-I'll explain everything later but first, where's my dad?"

"He's in his workshop," Bruce answers.

"Okay, thank you."

I leave the living room and begin my walk to my dad's workshop.

Finally, I reach the door to his workshop. I take a breath, and slowly open the door, quietly stepping in.

My dad was tinkering away with something, his back turned. He looks sleep deprived, and desperate.

"...Hey," I quietly say, "I'm back."

He spins around, and we stare at each other in silence.

Then, he walks over to me, without a word, and embraces me in a bear hug.

I hug him back immediately, tears forming in my eyes as I bury my head in the crook of his neck.

"I missed you. So much." He says, barely above a whisper.

My tears start to come out faster, "I missed you too."

"Please don't do anything like that ever again."

"I won't."

He pulls back from the hug, and we both look at each other, teary eyed.

"You look nice," he says, finally.

I laugh, "you look awful."

"I know."

We both laugh through our tears, and smile.

"So," he starts, clearing his throat, "you stole my car."

I look at the ground, "...I did."

He continues. "You created a way for Thursday to self-drive the car."

"I-I did."

"You created a hacking software so advanced, that I couldn't even track it."

"I did."

"You snuck out to go to a club to drink away your pain."

"I did, but Peter stopped me before I was able to." I explain, still looking down.

"He's a good kid."

"He is." I don't even bother to fight him on the fact that he clearly knows Peter. After all that's happened, I just want to leave the subject alone.

My father gives a small laugh, "you are so much like me, it's hard to even punish you."

I laugh too, and look up at him. "I am my father's daughter."

He laughs, then regains his soft, but serious, expression, "seriously though, please don't do anything like that ever again."

"I-I won't."

"...Even so, I feel like I'm still supposed to punish you."

"...that's fine."

"You are grounded for two days."

I smile, "best dad ever."

"I know. But, you also have to cook us dinner for a week."

My smile widens, "deal."

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