A Bit of Chemistry

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(Peter's P.O.V)

(Y/n) is partnered up with me for lab buddies. 

Since she's new, my teacher, Ms. Warren, asked me to show her the ropes since I 'excel' in this subject.

So now we're lab buddies.

Not that I'm complaining.

She's really pretty. I mean really pretty. But it's like she doesn't care. Cliche, I know, but still. Her hair was in a wild bun, and her shirt was a comfy loose fit. Her eyes seemed to sparkle when we started talking about science, and I actually thought the entire room could hear my heartbeat.

Focus Peter! You don't even know her that well! C'mon Spider-Man, get your act together.

"Okay, um, so, um, to put on the goggles, you just-"

"Peter?" She cuts me off.


She giggles, "this is Advanced Science, Peter. I know how to put on lab goggles."

She puts her goggles on and begin to pull out the ingredients.

I clear my throat, "Oh, yeah, right. So, um, the assignment is to create a formula to purify the pollution found in water samples, other than just adding more water. Our goal is to find a way to almost get rid of it. Without exploding anything, if possible."

(Y/n) bites her lip, lost in thought. "Well, since hydrogen peroxide is a disinfectant, I think it could be used to destroy the pollutants and bacteria in the water. And mixed with other ingredients, it could be made stronger, so it could kill more bacteria at once. I think we should act with Hydrogen Peroxide as our base. Does that work?"

I pause for a few seconds, gaping as the 'newbie' single-handedly figures out how to solve our problem.

"Umm, yeah. Yeah, I think that'll work." I respond, recovering a few of my wits.


She pulls out a tube and fills it with the chemical.

C'mon Peter! Do something!

I pull out a few more ingredients and begin to scan them, looking for one to maximize the hydrogen peroxide's affect.

"We also need to make the hydrogen peroxide in the water safe enough to drink. Or else it's just adding to the mess." I think out loud while looking for more ingredients.

"You're right. "

I look up and she smiles at me. A billion dollar smile. The moment feels like time is paused.

"Everyone put your hands up!"

I jinxed it.

An angry man, probably in his twenties, storms in, holding a gun and pointing it at all of us. He walks over to the teacher and points it at her. All the students immediately duck down behind our lab desks.

"Show me to where your explosive chemicals are!" He presses the gun into our teacher's back.

Sh*t. Well, Spider-Man, how are you gonna get out of this one? 

Our backs are pressed firmly against the desk, and I turn to see (Y/n) fiddling with her watch. 

"Thursday," I hear (Y/n) whisper to herself.

"What?" I whisper back.

She locks eyes with me. "Peter, stay down."

"Wait, what?"

She stands up, raising her hands in the air, "stop!"

Oh my god, she's insane.

The man turns towards her, the gun not moving from it's target, the trembling teacher. "What are you gonna do, little girl?"

Her eyebrows furrow, "look, I'm the one you want. I'm practically a professional chemist. I know more than everyone in the room combined! I can show you to the chemicals. Just let them go."

I bite my lip. If he calls her bluff, she's dead.

The man scoffs. "Right. So they can alert the police. I don't think so."

"You'll be done and long gone before then." She states, as calm as can be, "let them go, and I will show you to where all the explosive chemicals are, along with the ingredients to explosive mixes. Just let. Them. Go." 

He pauses and begins to consider. Then shrugs. "Fine. But be quick. All of you, get out of here."

I tug on the bottom of her shirt, "(Y/n)! No! What are you thinking!" I whisper-yell.

"Get out of here, Peter."

"No way, I'm-"

"Trust me."

She says it with so much certainty, and I look up to see a mix of fear, and determination in her eyes.

"O-okay. Fine. Be careful."

Maybe Spider-Man can help her out.

I run out of the classroom with all the other students and the teacher.

After running out of the school, I duck into an alleyway and pull out my Spider-Man suit. The one I got from Mr. Stark himself.

I quickly throw off my pants and shirt, and pull on the baggy suit, after getting everything on and securing my backpack, I hit my logo and the suit self tightens into the formfitting Spider-Man suit.

I shoot a web and swing off to the school.

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