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I exit the car, and look up to see Peter Parker waiting at the top of the stairs, looking for some one.

That dork.

I stealthily blend in with the crowd, walk up the opposite side of the stairs, and come up behind him.

"Boo." I whisper in his ear.

He flinches and turns around, a nervous expression on his face. He relaxes when he sees me.

I giggle, "dork."

"Ha-ha. Very funny."

"I thought so."

"So, how did last night go?" He asks, changing the subject.

"It was fine. I guess. I didn't really get yelled at, at least not like I thought I would. It was actually pretty chill. Everyone was just happy I was home." I rub the back of my neck and laugh, "however I have been sentenced to cook for them for a week and I'm grounded for two days."

"That's awesome!" Peter beams. "Wait a second," he gets a look of confusion on his face, "you got into a huge fight with your dad, stole his car, ran away, were planning on going to a club and drinking, stayed the night at a boy's house, and you're only grounded for two days?"

I nod, "that is correct."

Peter explodes, "do you realize how lucky you are? How is that fair? I mean, honestly it's great for you and I'm happy you didn't get in too much trouble, but my aunt would skin me alive if I did something like that!"

I laugh, "yeah, my dad's pretty chill. He's awesome."

"Seems like it. God." Peter shakes his head with a smile on his face, "wait, what did you mean by everyone?" He asks.

"Oh, um, I had some family visiting." I shrug.

"That's cool. Wanna head in before we're late?"

I giggle, "yeah, we probably should."

Peter gives me a warm smile, before looking ahead of him and walking inside. I follow behind him, feeling my face heating up.

What the hell.

Why am I acting like this?

I'm a Stark. I never act like this.

Maybe I'm sick?

"Hey, are you okay?" Peter asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"What?" I look up at his concerned expression, "oh, yeah. I'm fine. I think I might be catching a cold though."

He chuckles, "let's hope it's not contagious." He nudges my shoulder with his elbow.

I roll my eyes, starting to gain my wits back, "if it is, you're already doomed." I fake a sneeze in his direction, then bury my face in his chest, making coughing noises.

It's Peter's turn to go red, then he smiles and goes with it, "oh no! I've been hit!" He says dramatically, "I'm going down!" He starts to slide down the wall, taking me with him. We both laugh together, sprawled out across the hallway floor. Luckily, it's still a bit early, so there's hardly anyone around.

We laugh until we're out of breath. Then we sit in comfortable silence. A type of silence that's quite grown on me.

The moment just feels perfect.

"What are you guys doing?"

I look up to see Ned and Michelle looking down at us.

Peter and I start laughing again, "come join our sick pile on the floor!" He says.

I laugh and add in, "be careful! We're contagious!"

Ned and Michelle share another confused look, then shrug. "You guys are so lucky there's like, no one here."

"Anyway, it's Friday. (Y/n), are you doing anything tonight? I was thinking we could have a sleepover at my place. Away from these two losers." Michelle asks me.

Peter and Ned give a silent 'Wtf' expression, while I ignore them. "That sounds awesome!" I say.

Peter coughs, "except..."

My brain takes a moment to register, before I groan, "I'm grounded..."

"What?" Ned looks surprised, "why?"

I push myself up into a sitting position. "I snuck out."

Peter snorts, "understatement," he mumbles.

"That's it?" Ned continues, not hearing Peter.

"Well..." I look down, "I kinda sorta also stole my dad's car, snuck out to go to a club, then spent the night at a guy's house."

"What?" Michelle asks.
"Bad ass." Ned nods.

I laugh again, "luckily the guy wasn't some total creep and he didn't take advantage of me while I was sleeping." I side eye Peter jokingly, "that I know of."

Peter goes red, "what the f-"

"I was kidding," I interrupt him. I look up at Michelle and Ned's confused expressions. "I stayed at Peter's," I clarify.

"Ew." Michelle jokes, "I don't really want Peter cooties anyway. We can wait a week so you aren't contagious."

We all laugh, except for Peter who fake pouts.

"Aw, I'm sorry Pete," I lean down and rest my head on his chest, giving him a quick cuddle. "Feel better?"

I sit up and look at Peter, who is now as red as Spider-man's costume. "Um, I-uh, I-"

"Oh no! I think Peter caught (Y/n)'s cooties! He's contagious," Ned exclaims, fake drama and a joking tone pouring into his voice. "Let's go before they get us too MJ!" He drags Michelle down the hall with him at a jogging pace.

I lean my head on Peter's shoulder again. "Hey Peter, does Ned like anybody?"

Peter stiffens, "...not...that I know of? Why do you ask?" He looks down, "do you like him?"

I keep a straight face before bursting out into laughter, "no,no no no! Oh my god" I continue laughing, "no, goodness Peter. Ew. You guys are like brothers at this point! Ned is like a brother!" I laugh again, "I'm just asking 'cause he seems to fancy MJ."

Peter freezes, "so...I'm like you're brother?"

I think for a moment, " can't really picture you being my brother...mostly Ned. You're more like my best friend." I smile brightly at him. Not my usual Stark smile, but a real, honest genuine smile. "Yup. You are my best friend, Peter Parker."

He smiles back, a bit of blush still tainting his cheeks, "yeah, I don't really picture you as a sister either. You're like my best friend too." He stands up and offers me a hand, "shall we walk to class, m'lady?"

I smirk and take his hand, pulling myself up, "well, I do suppose we're both contagious," I smile, "we shall, kind sir."

We both start laughing, walking to class together, neither one of us realizing we're still holding hands. Just Peter and I, best friends, walking to class, contagious.

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