New School (Part 2)

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I spent the night googling 'Spider-Man'. I've heard of him, but I didn't know that much about him until last night. I also looked through S.H.I.E.L.D's records as well. Spider-Man has fought along side with the Avengers before. However, from what I can tell, he's just a kid.

I woke up early, so I could decide what to wear for my first day of school. Fashion has never really been that important to me, but I want to make a good first impression.

I had already gotten tips from my dad the last night:

"I know I'm supposed to say something like, 'just be yourself!', but I know high school, and high school doesn't work that way. Besides, you can't be yourself since you have to hide the fact that you're a Stark. Anyway, you find a group, not the popular chicks because their drama honestly isn't worth your time and I want you to be better than that, but not the nerdiest bunch either because that will destroy your social life. Pick a group that looks relatively normal. Hang out with them. If you can't do that, find a person who's normal enough, become friends with them, meet all of their friends, and bam! You're done. You got this, kiddo, now go get some sleep."

I decide to dress normal too. I throw on a black undershirt and a flowy white belly-top over that. I put on some blue jeggings, and white converse. And of course, my earrings. I tie my hair up in a messy bun, and after brushing my teeth, I head downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey, kiddo, just in time." My dad greets me, leaning against the counter, "remember how it goes?"

I nod, "my name is (Y/n) Johnson, I just moved to New York from Oregon for my dad's job. He's a construction worker."

"Right. Knock 'em dead, but don't stand out. Now grab a muffin and get on your way. Happy's waiting for you outside. Have everything packed?"


"Good. Here's your lunch money."

I look down at the money he's given me, then back at him with a stern expression, "Dad! $300? Are you kidding me? What happened to blending in?"

"Fine. At least take $100. Just in case."

I look him in the eye and we have a mental argument.

"Fine. Whatever."

"Oh and by the way, I made you this." He handed me a contact lens.

"What's this for?"

"It hooks up to Thursday, giving you a view of her scans to help you find a group and stuff. You can turn it off whenever you want. Also, this weapons bracelet. Just in case."

I bite my lip as I grin, "you're the best. Thanks!"

"I know. Have a good day! Love you!"

"Love you too!"


I take a deep breath and walk through the school doors. Anticipation, anxiety, and excitement all rolled up into one hurtling tornado in my stomach. I check in with the office so they can hand me my class schedule. 

"(Y/n) Johnson, correct?" The secretary asks me.


"Here we are. Advanced Science and Advanced Computer Science. Very nice. I wish you luck!" She smiles at me. I can tell my Stark charm is already starting.

"Thank you!"


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