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With Peter's arm around my waist for support, we make our way down town in Queens. We pass by a bank, then across the street is the newly repaired Delmar's.

"Hey! Mr. Parker!" The man behind the counter calls, "Who's your lady friend?"

Peter goes red, and I try to take a step forward to introduce myself. "Hi, my name is (Y/n)." I stumble.

(Google Translate recommended \/)

Mr. Delmar laughs, "Me gusta tu novia, Peter, parece muy dulce. Sin embargo, ¿está bien?"

Peter turns red even more, "Ella no es mi novia y tiene resaca".

"Tengo resaca, no soy estúpido, puedo hablar por mí mismo". I interrupt. 

The both stood speechless, clearly surprised at my fluent Spanish. Lots of people are surprised at that fact, but I've been home schooled by the smartest people in the world, and most of my dad's nannies from when he was a kid spoke Spanish. He picked it up and so did I.

"¡Muy bien! ¡Estoy muy impresionado! ¿De dónde aprendiste a hablar tan bien el español?" Mr. Delmar asks me.

"He sido educado en mi casa toda mi vida, así que tiendo a aprender mucho más, además, mi papá ya hablaba un español fluido que aprendió de sus niñeras, y lo aprendí de él, también sé un poco de ruso de mi ...tía." I answer.

Peter takes a moment to register what I said, but Mr. Delmar keeps talking. "¡Eso es genial! Siempre es bueno saber más de un idioma. Así que dime honestamente, ¿Peter es tu novio? ¿Te ha estado tratando bien?"

I laugh as Peter blushes, "¡Señor Delmar! ¡Alto! ¡Somos solo amigos!"

"Está bien. Peter no es mi novio, pero él es mi mejor amigo y ha sido muy amable conmigo. Es increíble tener como amigo". I answer.


We're just friends.

Peter clears his throat, "can we order now please?" He asks Mr. Delmar, still blushing.

"Of course. Your usual? Number 5 with pickles, smushed down?"

"Yes please."

"Great. What are you having dear?" Mr. Delmar asks.

"I-I'll have the same please...but you don't have to smush it..."

"Coming right up!"


Peter and I walk out of Delmar's, holding our sandwiches. Peter had paid, despite my protests. We begin walking back to 'my' apartment.

Of course no peace lasts forever.

Just across the street screams break out as two men with guns take a little girl as a hostage. 

The little girl can't be more than six, judging by her size and cute little butterfly skirt. Her red curly hair starts to come loose from her pigtails as the men drag her away. Her electric blue eyes are red and sobbing.

"Oh my god." I start to move towards it.

"(Y/n) stay back." Peter commands.

"She needs help!" 

"What can you do in this situation (Y/n)? You'll be killed!"

"I have to help her."

The cries of the little girl's mother, with matching hair and eyes, become louder and more desperate as the men drag the little girl away.

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