Make Mother Proud

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It's funny how fast a week can pass.

I discover by the end of my sentence of cooking, that I actually enjoy cooking for the Avengers.

"Hey dad, would I be able to cook for you guys more often?" I ask.

"You enjoyed your punishment?" He asks.

"A little bit, yeah."

"Damn it! Now I have to come up with a different punishment!" He throws his hands up in the air.

My eyes widen, "no, no, no. That's okay dad. I-uh, I hated it. I just think I should cook from time to time as more of a punishment." I wink.

He rolls his eyes, "whatever."

I smile and rock back and forth on my heels. My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pick it up to read my new texts.

MJ: Hey. You finished your 'sentence' right?

MJ: Wanna have a sleepover tomorrow??

MJ: My place?

Today is Friday, which meant a sleepover Saturday to Sunday. That seems pretty doable. 

"Hey dad...?" I ask.

"What do you want now?"

"Can I go to a sleepover tomorrow?

"With Peter again?" He looks at me, "I'm not so comfortable with you sleeping at a boy's house so often. I don't know what you're doing, but I know what a teenage me would be doing in that situation."

My face heats up, "dad! Peter isn't like that! And I meant Michelle!"

"Oh. ok. Sure."

"Gee, thanks," I mumble.

Me: I can go!

Me: What time???

MJ: 6?

Me: Sure. Till?

MJ: 12?

Me: pm?

MJ: yeah

Me: K. Sounds good.

"It's 6 till 12," I tell my dad.

MJ: Do you need us to pick you up???

Well that can't happen can it.

Me: That's okay. I can probably walk or take the train. Or maybe my dad can drive.

Me: What's your address?

She quickly responds with her address, as I give my dad a quick hug goodbye, and head off to school.

The school day passes quickly. I ace my work, as usual, and ignore the feeling of eyes on my as I pass the boys' lockers. I hardly see Peter all day. Or Michelle or Ned for that matter, but at the end of the day I meet up with Michelle and Ned outside.

"See you at six tomorrow," I say before climbing into the car with Happy. I send Peter a quick text.

Me: Hey

Me: Didn't really see you today. Where were u?

He responds quickly.

Peter ;-P: I actually just missed you

Peter ;-P: I'm standing with MJ and Ned now

Me: lol, just my luck.

Peter ;-P: Seems that way. Are you busy tomorrow

Me: Yeah, MJ and I are having a sleepover

Peter ;-P: Oh. Cool

Me: Why do you ask?

Peter ;-P: No reason

Me: Suspicious

Peter ;-P: Whatever. gtg. sys

Me: K...bye

That was weird.

I get home and go up to my room, passing Natasha on the way.

"I hear you have a sleepover tomorrow," she says.

"I do," I state proudly.

"Wonderful! A girl this time?" She smirks.

My face grows hot, "yes."


I cough, "anyway, I should probably go pack."

"Alright." She waves and continues walking down the hall.

I finish my walk to my room, pull out a suitcase, and stare at it for five minutes. Then, I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste, and drop them at the same time into my suitcase. I watch as gravity takes over.

"I suppose I haven't worked on that in a while," I mumble. I walk over to my bookshelf, scan my fingerprint, type in the four digit code, and open the safe. I carefully take out one of my mother's work books on reverse gravitational pull.

Before my mother died, she was working on a way to reverse the direction of an object's gravitational pull. Something like this could revolutionize the things we do today, especially revolving around space. It would certainly help in space stations, and could be a safer way to change the course of a meteorite, in case one should ever be directed towards Earth.

She was amazing, and an absolute genius. My life goal has been to be able to finish her research, and actually be able to create reverse-gravitational pull technology. My mother's words from her will have stayed with me ever since.

"My life's work and technology shall go to my daughter, (Y/n) Williams, for she is more capable than we all realize. She is destined for great things and she shall be a great success. " 

My mother believed in me. I have to be able to make her proud.

But how?

It's been a puzzle for me for years. It took me two years alone to even understand my mother's research. And I've been collecting my own ever since.

I set the book down on my work table, and flip to the latest page I was looking at.


"On it."

My mother's work comes off the page in holographic form in front of me. I start to move it around and read what's written.

I start flipping through the holographic pages, trying to figure out a clue.

"What if I start with something smaller..." I ponder out loud.

I've been trying to focus on re-directing the gravitational pull of an abiotic object of a large mass. Such as an asteroid. I suppose I've been having my dad's attitude. 'Go big or go home.' 'Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.' Stuff like that.

Beside my mother's holographic work display, I pull up anti-gravitational pull technology from Google. Also artificial gravity technology.

"If I can take artificial gravity, and just make it stronger than real gravity, that would be helpful," I start, "but I would also have to center it for a specific object only. That's the tricky part."

"I think you'll be fine. But you should be packing."

I quickly snatch the holographic imaging and put it in a holo-folder. I then turn to face my dad standing in the doorway.

"Jeez, dad! Knock next time!" I shout.

He laughs, "don't trust me with your mother's work?" He asks teasingly.

"It's not that." I say, fiddling with my hands, "It's just something I want to do on my own."

"I get it." He smiles at me, "seriously though, start packing." He walks out of my room without another word.

I smile and start packing again.

I promise
I will make mother proud.

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